摘 要:建设社会主义新农村是党中央从根本上解决“三农”问题的重大决策。新农村建设过程中急切需要农村信息化,而农村信息化的关键是农民。促进农业信息化、提高农民收入、建设社会主义新农村等, 已成为学术界和全社会较为关心的热点话题。如何更好地把握农民信息需求行为, 了解信息服务模式及农民信息收益情况等, 对于促进新时期的农村信息化工作、提高农民收入等具有重大的理论意义和现实意义。
Research on investigation and analysis of information
behavior of Hunan peasant
Abstract:Building a new socialist countryside is the Party Central Committee to fundamentally solve "3 farming" problem great and decision-making. In the process of new rural construction is badly in need of rural informatization, and rural informatization of farmers is the key. Promotion of agricultural informatization, increase farmer income, the building of a new socialist countryside and so on, has become the academic circle and the whole society cares relatively hot topic. How to better grasp the farmers' information demand behavior, information service mode and the farmer income and other information, to promote the rural information work in new period, improve the income of the farmers has an important theoretical significance and the practical significance.
Based on the investigation of Hunan peasants mainly in questionnaire form development, an analysis of questionnaire research, the paper summarizes the main points, and the points of information as the basis, combined with the domestic researchers have been studied, and the related literature, the paper, on the Hunan farmers' information demand, information acquisition, information utilization situation of research and analysis, and summarizes the relevant literature generally thought, at the same time, to further improve the construction of rural information service and puts forward related suggestions.
Key words:Information behavior; farmer; Promotion of information technology

目 录
摘要 5
关键字 5
1 前言 6
2 农民的信息需求情况 7
2.1 信息的需求类型 7
2.2 信息的需求程度 7
2.3 信息需求的影响因素 8
2.4 农民的信息需求特征分析 9
3 农民的信息获取 10
3.1 农民的信息获取途径 10
3.2 农民选择信息获取途径的原因 11
3.3 农民获取信息的现状和满足情况 12
3.4 帮助农民获取信息的措施 13
4 农民对信息的利用 14
4.1 农民对信息的利用现状 14
4.2 农民利用信息的情况较差原因 14
4.3 提高农民信息利用率的方法 15
5 农民、相关研究人员、学者对信息服务建设的建议与意见 15
5.1 农民对信息服务建设的建议与意见 15
5.2 相关研究人员、学者对信息服务建设的建议 16
6 为加强农村信息化建设的针对性对策 17
6.1 选择适宜的信息服务方式 17
6.2 为农民提供有针对性的优质信息 17
6.3 提高信息的服务效果 17
6.4 提高农民信息需求强度 17
6.5 提高农民对信息化了解的程度 17
7 结论 18
参考文献 19
致谢 20
附录: 20