来源 资料编号:WK1632090 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1632090

摘 要 互联网迅速发展的同时,网络安全问题日益成为人们关注的焦点,病毒、恶意攻击、非法访问等都容易影响网络的正常运行,多种网络防御技术被综合应用到网络安全管理体系中,流量监控系统便是其中一种分析网络状况的有效方法,它从数据包流量分析角度,通过实时地收集和监视网络数据包信息,来检查是否有违反安全策略的行为和网络工作异常的迹象。 在研究网络数据包捕获、 TCP/IP原理的基础上,采用面向对象的方法进行了需求分析与功能设计。该系统在VisualC++6.0环境下进行开发,综合采用了Socket-Raw、注册表编程和IP助手API等VC编程技术,在系统需求分析的基础上,对主要功能的实现方案和技术细节进行了详细分析与设计,并通过测试,最终实现了数据包捕获、流量监视与统计主要功能,达到了预定要求,为网络管理员了解网络运行状态提供了参考。 关键词:网络管理;数据采集;流量统计;Winsock2 The Design and Implementation of Monitoring and Analyzing Tool for Network Traffic Abstract With the rapid development of Internet, network safety has become people’s concern, virus, vigorous attack, illegal visit and so on can easily affect the normal network performance. Various kinds of network defending technology have been comprehensively applied into the management system of network safety. Network traffic system is one of the effective measures to analysis network condition. From the angle of analyzing packet traffic, it can examine the safety violation and the abnormal performance of network by timely collecting and monitoring packets information. By using the way of object-oriented, this design makes a needs analysis and ability designing based on the study of network packet collecting and TCP/IP theory. Under the environment of Visual C++6.0, this system adopts VC program technologies of Socket-Raw, Windows register and IpHelper API. On the basis of system analysis, it makes a deliberate analysis and test of plans and details to implement packets collecting, traffic monitoring and statistics. So this meets our needs and makes a reference for managers to get to know the network conditions. Key words: network management; data collection; traffic analysis; Winsock2 本系统实现以下功能: (1)采用Winsock编写原始套接字Socket-Raw对数据包进行采集捕获,并可实现分类及自定义范围进行捕获; (2)对捕获的数据包进行一定的解析; (3)访问操作系统提供的网络性能参数接口,得到网卡总流量、输入流量和输出流量; (4)系统提供了多种方式显示结果,如曲线图、列表等; (5)使用IP帮助API获取网络统计信息; (6)实现对部分常见威胁的预警,可继续开发扩展其报警功能。 论文结构安排 本论文围绕Winsock标准套接字网络编程的各项实践内容展开。具体内容安排如下:第一章是引言,简要介绍开发背景、设计任务和论文结构安排;第二章介绍网络基础理论研究、数据包捕获与流量检测的技术原理;第三章介绍如何使用原始套接字实现数据捕获;第四章重点介绍网络流量监测工具的设计与实现过程,并且详细阐述了从系统功能总体设计、详细设计、具体实现的全部过程;第五章介绍了软件测试情况。 ![]() |