摘 要:进入21世纪以来,计算机技术的迅猛发展和音乐行业的发展,MP3格式也不断普及并逐渐成为一个让音乐界产生巨大震动的一个声音格式。现在互联网上可以找到各式各样的MP3编码软件和播放软件。MP3播放器由最先界面朴素、功能简单到今天各式各样界面、功能齐全的,说明MP3播放器受欢迎的程度以及使用的广度。
关键字: Visual C++ 6.0 ;Windows平台;mp3播放器
Design and Realiztion of Sudoku Game System
Abstract:Since entering the 21st century, the rapid development of computer technology and music industries, MP3 format and popularity has been gradually become a huge shock to allow the music industry a voice format. Now the Internet can find all kinds of MP3 player software and software code. MP3 player interface from the first simple and functional to this day all kinds of simple interface, full-featured on the popular MP3 player and the use of the breadth of the extent.
In this paper, completed under the Windows platform, mp3 player software needs analysis, outline design, detailed analysis, system testing and technical difficulties in the re-analysis, a detailed description of the system function modules and the difficulties of re-solution. Program results indicate that the mp3 player, complete with basic functions, can guarantee the music playback, volume control and music management.
Key word: Visual C++ 6.0; Windows platform; mp3 player
Visual C++是一个功能强大的可视化软件开发工具。它不仅是一个C++编译器,而且是一个基于Windows操作系统的可视化开发环境(integrate development environment ,IDE)。 Visual C++6.0由许多组件组成,包括编辑器、调试器以及程序向导AppWizard、类向导Class Wizard等开发工具。这些组件通过一个名为Developer Studio的组件集成为和谐的开发环境。
