摘 要
Design And Programme With The Media GateWay Based On API
The telephone business is the main business of the telecoms. In addition, the telecoms provide additional voice and video increment business to the large customer also. Currently most of the increment businesses are increment businesses of voice, but more and more increment businesses such as increment businesses of video will be scoop out along with the development of networks. The increment businesses of voice are all manually processed from earlier period in the telecommunication area, which till now have already turned into that automatic processing and manual handling exist at the same time. Auto voice processing is carried out by the development of a newly arisen technique named Computer Telephony Integration technique, Computer Telephony Integration is developing along with the development of computer technique and telephone technique, it carries out to make use of a computer to control a telephone, call, route, and provides the media resources that the computer can visit for the call.
The paper mainly talks about the related techniques and design of the media gateway system based on API. The media gateway system is a sub-system of the telegraphy increment business development platform. Its main functions are to manage platform’s hardware resources, process calls, route, signal from PSTN, and provide voice services for the call, such as play a file or string etc. This paper presents detailed introduction of the signal techniques related to media gateway firstly, and then introduces the design of the four sub-modules of media gateway system based on API, where the four sub-modules are: Oam Module, Dit Module, Voice Module. At last the paper gives a detailed introduce of the core module (voice process module) of the media gateway
The development of this system uses C++ programming language, and uses database system of Sybase.
Keywords:Computer Telephony Integration, Signals, Voice Process

目 录 17000字
1. 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及来源 1
1.2课题主要研究内容及研究现状 1
1.3 课题的研究意义及论文结构 2
1.4 小结 3
2. 系统概况 4
2.1系统功能设计 4
2.2系统设计原则 5
2.3小结 5
3. CTI基础知识 6
3.1 概述 6
3.1.1 CTI定义 6
3.1.2 CTI技术要达到的功能 6
3.2 CTI原理 6
3.3 CTI协议介绍 7
3.4 CTI技术在呼叫中心系统中的应用介绍 8
3.5 小结 8
4. 信令基础知识 9
4.1信令概述 9
4.2 七号信令技术基础之功能结构 10
4.3 七号信令技术基础之信令单元格式 11
4.4 七号信令技术基础之电话用户部分TUP 12
4.5七号信令技术基础之几种典型接续的信令过程 14
4.6小结 14
5. 系统设计 15
5.1 系统概要设计 15
5.1.1引言 15
5.1.2 任务概述 15
5.1.3 总体设计 16
5.2维护模块(OAMMODULE)概要设计 17
5.2.1 引言 17
5.2.2任务概述 17
5.2.3 总体设计 18
5.3 中继处理模块(DTIMODULE)概要设计 19
5.3.1 引言 19
5.3.2 任务概述 19
5.3.3 总体设计 19
5.4 语音处理模块(VOXMODULE)概要设计 21
5.4.1 引言 21
5.4.2 任务概述 21
5.4.3 总体设计 21
5.5 设备连接模块(HWMODULE)概要设计 22
5.5.1 引言 22
5.5.2 任务概述 22
5.5.3 总体设计 23
5.6 小结 23
6. 语音处理模块介绍 24
6.1 概述 24
6.2 类的详细设计 24
6.2.1 VoxDevice类的主要方法设计 24
6.2.2 VoxProcess类的主要方法设计 24
6.2.3 VoxRscManager类的主要方法设计 25
6.2.4 V41Base类的主要方法设计 25
6.3 部分系统运行流程顺序图 25
6.3.1媒体播放顺序流程 26
6.3.2资源状态查询顺序流程 27
6.4 小结 27
7. 系统测试简介 28
7.1 概述 28
7.2 测试方案编写阶段 28
7.3 测试环境搭建阶段 28
7.4 测试执行阶段 29
7.5 测试完成阶段 29
7.6 小结 29
结论 30
致谢 31
参考文献 32
附录 A 源代码(部分) 33
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