来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1632143 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1632143
摘 要
The Design of Interrupt Controller Functional Demo of Visual Design
The interruption is a important function in each computer system. Interruption is the solution of external equipment and systems is a good way to connect, it availably carried out exterior equipments and proceed together of CPU a work.In physically appliedly, in addition to want to consider how to break off a controller plait the distance carry on of problem, also want to break off a way to carry on I/O to control to the adoption of connect a people's electric circuit to carry on a design.The interruption is a kind of signal, it tells that the microprocessor has already taken place a certain demand specially notices of affairs, need a whereabouts reason or contribute efforts to it.We deeply understood the work method with 8259A in this topic, work principle and work condition;Knew to break off existent important meaning in the meantime, break off the popular comprehension can think to be a "abnormality", under the sistuation that have excrescent occurrence output circumstance, at two procedures which put in the at present thing to win election to choose to even need to immediately carry out to respond to, is in the interruption say of have the initiative class.Our usage weaves a distance technique, 8259A the chip imitate the display of true type to come out and use C++combine procedure structure, weave a distance to play to show it inner part of work mechanism.Make use of the design of procedure, pass the work principle of chip experiment terrace to everyone's a consciousness which keeps a view, make everyone to understand the mean of interruption more very clear..
Key words: 8259A;priority; state machine;visual; emulation

目 录 15000字
1 引言 1
1.1 实验台的现状说明和设计目标 1
1.2 8259A的外部引脚图 2
1.3 8259A的内部结构 4
1.4 中断优先级分析器的工作原理 5
1.5 8259A的工作原理 6
1.6 该课题的主要研究方向和研究方法 7
2 对该课题的部分概念的重点说明 7
2.1 可视化的理解说明 7
2.2 访真式编程的理解说明 9
2.3 状态机的理解说明 9
2.4 CPU与8259A之间的转换方式 10
3 代码的编写工作以及说明 11
3.1 对代码的初步设计工作 11
3.2 对基类和派生类的主要函数的解释说明 12
3.2.1 对基类中部分函数的解说 12
3.2.2 对派生类中部分函数的解说 13
3.3 对各器件的初始化编程 14
3.4 对部分代码的说明 19
3.4.1 固定值的定义方式 20
3.4.2 与CPU之间的连接线定义方式 21
3.4.3 判断优先级的引脚设定 22
3.4.5 读写信号的设定 24
3.5 实现中断要求的程序解说 24
4 测试结果与工作总结 25
结 论 26
参 考 文 献 27
致 谢 28
声 明 29