来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1632187 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1632187
摘 要:汉字输入法研究是自然语言处理的一个重要课题。由于输入法编程不同于一般的程序设计,属于系统级的多语言支持组件,按照系统定义的多语言支持的核心组件之一的IMM-IME(输入法管理器-输入法编辑器)结构规范制作软件是最好的选择。它将为为输入法的开发提供强有力的支持。IME提供了两个界面,其一为用户界面,它可以把用户输入显示在显示器上。另外一个是转换界面,它能够把输入转换成汉字。因此需要对IME用户界面的进行设计和对输入编码到汉字字符的转换工作的编程。
关键词:汉字输入法; 自然语言处理; 拼音输入法;IMM-IME;
Design and Realiztion of Intelligent Pinyin Inputing Method System
Abstract: Chinese characters input method is an important issue of natural language processing. Because the programing of input method is different from common programing. The software of input method is a component belonging to multilingual support operating system level. So using IMM-IME architecture, which is one of the core components, supporting multilingual and defined by OS(windows), is the best choice. It will provide great support to input method programing . IME provide two components. One is the IME user interface which can display what we input on the screen. The other is the IME conversion interface which can convert input keyboard characters into Chinese characters. Therefore,need designing the IME user interface and programing that converting input keyboard characters into Chinese characters.
While implementation of input method programing in this paper, summarizes IMM - IME architecture , work procedure and implementation steps , which must be mastered while accomplishing Chinese characters input method. In addition,introduces architecture, loading and uninstall of two dictionaries. One is for Chinese characters and the other is for Chinese phrases. Analysing,segmentation of Pin-yin(characters of Chinese spelling) and conversion from Pin-yin to Chinese phrases will be introduced. Unique programing will be mentioned also.
Key words: Chinese input method ; Natural language processing ; Chinese Pinyin input method ;IMM-IME
