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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313987 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313987



Digital multiplexing and demultiplexing,an important technique in the network of commu-nication,can improve the transmission effciency in the way of multiplexing several low speed data flows into a high speed one. In addition to better designflexibility and save system reso-urce, digital MULDEX system based on the FPGAalsomake the problem of modifying struc-ture of circuit easier.
This paper first introduces the development of EDA technology and its technical characteristics.Then explain the principle and method of digital multiplexing .Using top-down modeling ideas,The module composition of the multiplexer is designed and explained in detail.The simulationof each module iscarried out in Altera-modelsim software, and give the flow chart and simulation results of each module ,Finally, the simulation of the multiplexing results is carried out.The main function of PDH communication one-time group multiplexer designed in this paper is to set the 32-way 64Kb/s low-speed code stream,By synchronizing, collecting, and finally connecting the Multiplexing module to a high-speed code stream with a 1-way rate of 2.048Mb/s.As can be seen from the simulation results, the results are consistent with the design.

Key words:Digital multiplexing;Plesiochronous DigitalHierarchy;FPGA;VerilogHDL


第1章    绪论    1
1.1    复接技术研究现状    1
第2章    EDA技术概述    2
2.1    EDA技术及其发展    2
2.1.1    EDA技术的发展历程    2
2.1.2    EDA技术的的独特之处    3
2.2    硬件描述语言    3
2.2.1    Verilog HDL    3
2.2.2    基于Verilog HDL的自顶向下设计方法    4
2.3    EDA技术的发展趋势    5
第3章    复接原理及技术    6
3.1    复接技术的发展    6
3.2    复接器的组成    8
3.3    复接的方法    8
3.4    复接方式    9
第4章    PDH通信一次群复接器的FPGA建模与设计    11
4.1    PDH通信一次群复接器的模块组成    11
4.1.1    时钟源生成模块    12
4.1.2    同步模块    16
4.1.3    采样模块    18
4.1.4    高速码生成模块    21
4.2    PDH通信一次群复接器验证与仿真    27
4.2.1    仿真结果    28
结语    34
附录    35
参考文献    42
