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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1632886 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1632886

数字音频广播(DAB)具有音质好、 发射功率小、覆盖面积大、频谱利用率高的特点。它具有很强的抗干扰能力,在恶劣环境下依然能正常接收。它还具有高速移动和可加密的特点,是广播事业发展过程中一个新的里程碑。数字声音广播具有适合于固定便携和移动接收的优势。
CDMA(码分多址)是一种以扩频通信为基础的载波调制和多址连接技术。CDMA的频谱利用率高,话音品质好,可提供高速率的数据业务。据预测,未来的几年CDMA将以超过100%的增长速度发展,远快于GSM40%的发展速度。 CDMA是未来3G移动通信系统的重要技术。如果将数字音频广播与CDMA手机相结合,肯定会受到广大消费者的认可。

The Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB)  provides with a good quality, low launch power, great coverage, high-frequency spectrum utilization characteristics. It is a very strong anti-interference capability in adverse circumstances is still able to receive normal. It also has a high-speed mobile and can encryption features which is broadcasting a new milestone in the development process. The Digital Audio Broadcasting is suitable for portable and the advantages of mobile receptting.
CDMA (CDMA) is a communication-based carrier to kuopin preparation and multi-site connectivity technologies. CDMA makes use of spectrum utilization high, ti's voice quality is good , provides high-speed data rate operation. According to the forecast, the coming years CDMA will be more than 100% growth rate development than GSM40%. CDMA is the important technology of the 3G mobile communications systems. The consumers will recognize it if combine the Digital Audio Broadcasting with CDMA mobile phones.
The information required in the design process is incomplete and it is difficult to collection the information ,we restrict of the time in the design process, this paper has essentially completed the task of designing, and the debugging part remains to be done. The front three chapter of this thesis mainly elaborate the development of DAB and the CDMA network, and the related technique of the dab and the CDMA network The project of motion terminal that can receive The Digital Audio Broadcasting is carried on argument, motion terminal that can receive The Digital Audio Broadcasting are constituted by the hardware and the software ,the aspect of hardware are made of the CL480 decoding machine, the D/A conversion, the power enlarger ML4851 and so on .The signal that comes out of decoding machine become imitate signal that through the D/A conversion ,imitating signal is enlarge by the power enlarger, last si broadcast by loudspeaker;Software that controlled by 51 MCU uses compilation languages, adopted 4 ×4 keyboards, one key is one righteousness, a LED display machine displays, use the programmable volume control ML4851 chips control the system of the volume.


              ORG   0000H
              AJMP  MAIN
              ORG   0003H
              AJMP  IT0

MAIN:        MOV    SP,   #53H         ;设置栈区首地址
      AJMP   KEY0
              CJNE   A,#09H,NEXT
              ACALL  DAB

NEXT:        CJNE   A,#0AH,MAIN
              ACALL  CDMA


DAB:          MOV    R2, #1FH  ;设置原始音量
              MOV    R5, #01H  ;设置音量显示初值
              AJMP   KEY0
CLR    C
SUBB   #08H,A
JC     DIG
RLC    A

TABL:         AJMP  XUAN8
              AJMP  XUAN6
              AJMP  XUAN5
              AJMP  XUAN4
              AJMP  XUAN3
              AJMP  XUAN2
              AJMP  XUAN1

目  录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题的目的和意义 1
1.2 我国DAB和CDMA的发展背景 1
第二章 数字音频广播技术 3
2.1 数字音频广播系统 3
2.2 数字音频压缩编码技术 3
2.3 数字音频广播系统的优点 5
第三章 CDMA系统 6
3.1 CDMA系统的原理 6
3.2 CDMA系统的扩频编码技术 6
第四章 系统的设计 8
4.1 系统的实现方案 8
4.1.1 网络传输速率可行性的分析 8
4.1.2 节目传输可行性的分析 8
4.2 系统的方案设计 9
第五章 系统的软件设计 12
5.1 系统整体框图 12
5.1.1 CDMA通信模块 12
5.1.2 音频/视频解码芯片CL480 13
5.1.3 D/A模块 14
5.1.4电源 14
5.2 系统软件整体框图 14
5.2.1 DAB子程序的软件控制 15
5.2.2 键盘及其接口 17 行列式键盘 17 键盘线反转法程序 18
5.2.3 音量控制 21 音频放大器LM4851 21 音量控制程序 21
5.2.4 LED显示器及其接口 23 LED数码显示器的构造及特点 23 LED数码显示器的显示方法 25 显示控制方案 25
5.2.5 节目程序设置 26
5.3 系统调试 26
5.3.1 硬件调试 26
5.3.2 软件调试 26
结论 28
谢辞 29
参考文献 30
附录1 31
附录2 32
