摘 要
With the extensive application of natural gas, the popularization of natural gas brings convenience to the public life, which reduces the pollution, and improves life quality and efficiency. However, meanwhile, natural gas is a potential ‘dangerous article’, and once it leaks in a large scale, it may give rise to great explosion if not disposed in time, which will pose a great threat on the security of life and property. A solution is needed in front of various accidents caused by gas leakage.
MQ-2 sensor is selected for realizing the detection of gas, and it is characterized by high sensitivity, quick response and strong anti-jamming capability. Furthermore, it is low in price and long in the life span. After being processed by STC89C51 micro-controller, the data shall be analyzed to see if it is greater or equals a certain preset value (namely the alarm limit). It will start the alarm circuit and alarm if it is greater, or it is in normal state. Moreover, in this design, the temperature signal will be converted into recognizable digital signal of micro-controller by connecting the DS18B20 temperature sensor and STC89C51 micro-controller, and it will be analyzed after being processed by micro-controller. Finally, temperature and gas concentration will be displayed in the LED display tube. Green light is taken for simulating the valve, while red light is taken for simulating the spray. The red light will turn on after the fan starts, while the green light will turn on after the fan stops.
In this paper, a gas alarm is designed with the semi-conductor gas sensor and micro-controller technology as the core, and it is simple in structure, stable in the performance, convenient in the application, low in price and intelligent, with certain practical value.
Key words :gas sensor; alarm; micro-controller; temperature sensor

目 录
第1章 概述 1
1.1 选题的目的 1
1.2 研究的目的和意义 2
1.3 国内外情况及发展趋势 3
第2章 系统设计方案 6
2.1 设计思路 6
2.2 系统功能 7
2.3 系统的框图 7
2.4 系统的工作原理 12
2.5 系统总体方案设计 12
2.6 本章小结 12
第3章 硬件部分设计 13
3.1 半导体气敏传感器 13
3.2 STC89C51介绍 16
3.3 STC89C51单片机的时钟电路 19
3.4 STC89C51单片机的复位电路设计 20
3.5 模数转换ADC0832的设计 21
3.6 蜂鸣器的设计 23
3.7 液晶显示屏LCD1602 24
3.8 继电器控制电路 26
3.9 本章小结 27
第4章 软件部分设计 28
4.1 主程序设计 28
4.2 主程序的编程 29
4.3 程序调试 31
4.4 本章小结 36
第5章 系统调试 37
5.1 硬件连接 37
5.2 系统功能调试 37
5.3 调试的问题及解决 38
5.4 本章小结 40
结论 41
致 谢 42
参考文献 43
附录1 系统的电路图 45
附录2 系统程序 46