摘 要
In recent years, with the development of society, the cleaning robot has infiltrated our lives, work and the economy, and has played a significant role. Research and the development of the cleaning robot has a lot of influence on our economic development.
This article mainly introduces a cleaning robot--the design process. A new detonating system controlled by ST89C52 microcontroller, control system is designed according to the STC89C52 basic characteristic of high integrated level, good reliability, powerful function, fast running speed. Automatic sweeping machine of overall structure is including the design of internal structure and external structure, internal structure and control system are depended on microcontroller, including motor driving circuit, key part and obstacle avoidance. The external structure is including the design of External structure and overall structure. By using 52MCU ,we control the start and stop of the DC motor, clockwise and anti-clockwise to realize the changes of the car running states. At the same time, combining with the PWM of the MCU realizing the speed of roller is adjustable, making the design more perfect.
Key words:Automatic sweeping machine; Microcontroller; Obstacle avoidance

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题的研究背景和意义 1
1.2 自动扫地机发展现状 1
1.3 本文研究的主要内容 3
第2章 自动扫地机方案论证 4
2.1 自动扫地机总体设计 4
2.2 各模块分析选择 4
2.3 本章小结 5
第3章 硬件设计 6
3.1 单片机控制模块 6
3.2 红外避障模块 8
3.3 电机驱动模块 9
3.4 可调速电机清扫模块 10
3.5 本章小结 14
第4章 软件设计 15
4.1 软件设计框图 15
4.2 可调速滚刷设计 16
4.3 本章小结 17
第5章 系统安装和功能调试 18
5.1 编程软件介绍 18
5.2 软件调试 18
5.3 硬件调试 22
5.4 本章小结 24
结 论 25
参考文献 26
致 谢 28
附 录 29