来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16311741 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16311741
关键词: 单片机 智能小车 电机驱动
Intelligent vehicle in automated warehouse, terminal, handling, painting and other logistics operations play a key role. It is the most suitable for work in the environment of human beings cannot work can improve the transportation efficiency, avoid harmful substances on the human body injury, effective complete toxic singlechipsmart car motor driveenvironment industry. Therefore, research of the intelligent vehicle automatic driving functions, the progress of human society will bring huge impact.
This topic design is a based on AT89C51 stroller intelligent barrier system. Using singlechipas the core control device, the control chip L298N drive car DC motor, control the car steering, forward and backward etc. action. Used in the design of ultrasonic transducers and red sensor as ranging module, detection of obstacles ahead. Using LCD1602 LCD display car running state and distance barriers of distance, to achieve the sound output function by controlling the buzzer. The baby carrier design intelligent barrier system by two parts of hardware and software. The software on the baby stroller intelligent barrier and hard The design of the system is based on the idea of system design, the software program of the system and the hardware control circuit are designed to meet the system design requirements of the system.
Keywords:singlechip smart car motor drive
2.1 设计目标
2.2 设计思想

目 录
1 绪论 5
1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 5
1.2 国内外发展现状及方向 5
1.3 论文内容及主要工作 5
2系统整体设计方案 7
2.1 设计目标 7
2.2 设计思想 7
2.3 主要器件选型 7
2.3.1 主控器件选型 7
2.3.2 电机和控制方式选型 8
2.3.3 显示器件选型 8
2.3.4 报警器件选型 8
2.3.5 障碍物检测模块选型 8
2.3.6 供电方式选型 9
2.4 总体结构 9
3 硬件电路设计 11
3.1单片机最小系统 11
3.1.1 晶振电路 11
3.1.2 复位电路 12
3.2电机控制电路设计 12
3.3 液晶显示电路设计 13
3.4 报警电路设计 13
3.5 检测电路设计 14
3.5.1 超声模块接口电路 14
3.5.2 红外测距模块接口电路 14
4系统软件设计 15
4.1 主程序设计 15
4.2 检测程序设计 16
4.3 电机控制程序设计 16
4.3.1 电机控制命令解析 16
4.3.2 电机动作控制流程 17
5系统调试 21
5.1硬件调试 21
5.2软件调试 21
结 论 22
参考文献 23
附录 24