关键词 光敏电阻;单片机;太阳跟踪;步进电机
With the rapid development of economy in our country, various energy use to make ends meet. Solar energy as a kind of is people's attention, particularly in solar technology, solar panels in the technology receives from the perspective of the sun's rays is the key factor that decide the efficiency of solar power.
Using STC89S52 microcontroller design a solar charger control system, through the acquisition of the output value of photosensitive resistance, control of stepping motor rotation, led panels turn towards the direction of the light is strong, make solar panels for maximum power. Through the voltage sensor and current sensor test, when detecting large charging voltage and current setting, automatic disconnect charging circuit.
This design consists of two parts, software and hardware, the hardware design of single chip microcomputer minimum system, voltage charging electric current sampling circuit, control circuit, key circuit, liquid crystal display circuit, alarm circuit and so on to carry on the design, make the controller have voltage, current, the system parameter display, automatic power control; The software design in the face of the software driver to carry on the design of the controller. And the feasibility of using Protues software simulation, the software and hardware design for validation.
Keywords Photosensitive resistance Single chip microcomputer Sun tracking Stepping motor

目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 设计背景及意义 1
1.2 太阳能的发展现状 1
1.2.1 太阳能的发展现状 1
1.2.2太阳能的发展前景 1
1.3 本文研究内容及结构安排 3
2 系统的总体设计 4
2.1设计目标 4
2.2设计思想 4
2.2系统框架 4
2.3系统方案论证 4
2.3.1太阳能跟踪方案论证 4
2.3.2主控器选型论证 5
2.3.3传感器选型论证 6
2.4本章小结 6
3 系统硬件设计 7
3.1单片机最小系统 8
3.1.1 单片机最小系统 8
3.2光强检测电路设计 8
3.2.1光强检测电路原理 8
3.2.2光强检测电路模块设计 9
3.3光强跟踪电路设计 10
3.3.1步进电机的介绍及选用 10
3.3.2步进电机驱动电路设计 10
3.4 充电控制电路 11
3.5传感器采集电路设计 11
3.5.1电流变送器介绍 11
3.5.2传感器采集电路设计 12
3.6显示电路设计 13
3.7按键电路设计 13
3.8充电控制电路设计 13
3.9报警电路设计 14
3.10本章小节 14
4 系统软件设计 15
4.1主程序设计 15
4.2电机控制子程序设计 16
4.3充电界面显示子程序设计 17
4.4设置目标充电电压子程序 18
4.5设置目标充电电流子程序 19
4.6本章小结 19
5 系统仿真 20
5.1仿真软件介绍 20
5.2仿真建立步骤 20
5.3仿真原理介绍 20
5.4仿真运行结果分析 21
结论 23
致谢 24
参考文献 25