摘 要
The current anti-theft system function is too single, unable to notify the user in time. So I designed the anti-theft alarm system, the system based on the C51 series single chip as the main control, the use of sensor accurate detection of whether someone broke into. This system has the sending short message, receive the short message, call, receive the phone call function. Master detected invasion will immediately produce high decibel alarm, scare off intruders. At the same time through the GSM module. The intrusion information in a text message is sent to the user, followed by a call to the user. At this time users will be able to receive at home in the first time, if not timely received a phone call, users see the message can also be to call the master, the system detects user call will automatically answer. The structure of the system is clear, and each part of the system constitutes an organic whole, which provides the users with great convenience.. And the system can use SMS to disarm deployment and also can use the remote control to disarm deployment, arming and disarming convenient, can effectively prevent false positives.

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2 设计要求 1
第2章 系统方案设计 2
2.1 总体方案图示 2
2.2 检测入侵原理图示 3
2.3 接收处理原理图示 4
2.4 元件芯片选择 5
2.4.1 主控 5
2.4.2 检测模块 5
2.4.3通信模块 6
2.4.4 无线数据传输模块 6
2.4.5 电源模块 7
第3章 系统硬件设计 8
3.1 检测传输电路 8
3.1.1 模块原理 8
3.1.2 电路原理 9
3.2 报警电路 10
3.2.1 模块原理 10
3.2.2 电路原理 10
3.3撤防布防电路 10
3.3.1 模块原理 10
3.3.2 电路原理 11
3.4 无线通知用户电路 12
3.4.1 模块原理 12
3.4.2 电路原理 12
第4章 系统软件设计 14
4.1 流程图 14
4.2 子程序 15
4.2.1 撤防布防 15
4.2.2 入侵检测 16
4.2.3 发送短信 17
4.2.4 拨打电话 18
4.2.5 接收短信,接听电话 19
第5章 注释 22
第6章 总结与展望 23
第7章 参考文献 24
第8章 附录 25
8.1 附录1 总电路 25
8.2 附录2 主程序 26
第9章 致谢 28