来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16311822 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16311822
The design of digital clock based on signal-chip computer
摘 要
The timer equipment using micro controller unit is applied in many trades, the digital clock is the most fundamental example among them, and it is also a most typical example.
In digital clock circuit based micro controller unit system, there are the external controlling and display device besides the fundamental monolithic machine system and the outer-ring circuit. The key of the circuit in this design is AT89S52, using the micro control system to process information to control the outer-ring circuit. The system is made up of circuit, clock circuit, music circuit, temperature circuit, and shine circuit. Date and week modul is the external part.
This design focuses on monolithic integrated circuit AT89S52. Using AT89S52, which has the interior programmable timer/counter, the union foreign meets the crystal oscillator the adjustment to determine an appropriate duration of oscillation, thus determines theinterior the cycle of the system. And designing the internal interrupt procedure establishment to design the clock procedure, namely designed the core of electronic clock. Then design the expanded electric circuit to let this design more practical.
Key Words:Micro control unit; LED shows; Sensor of temperature

目 录
1. 引言 1
2. 关于单片机 2
2.1单片机的发展 2
2.2 单片机的开发背景 4
2.2 单片机的开发背景 5
2.3 AT89S52单片机 6
2.3.1 AT89S52单片机引脚功能 7
2.3.2 AT89S52单片机硬件结构的特点 8
2.3.3 AT89S52单片机的硬件原理 10
3. 方案设计与论证 12
4. 系统总体结构框图 13
5. 系统的硬件设计 14
5.1 显示部分电路的设计 14
5.1.1 LED数码显示管的基本原理 14
5.1.2 数码管显示模块分析 14
5.1.3 LED显示电路 15
5.2 控制部分电路的设计 15
5.2.1 时钟模块 15
5.2.2 温度模块 16
5.2.3 音乐模块 16
5.2.4 复位模块 16
5.2.5 光识模块 17
6. 系统的软件设计 18
6.1 各模块的程序设计 18
6.1.1 计时程序 18
6.1.2 定时闹钟程序 18
6.1.3 温度程序 18
6.2 系统程序设计的总体框图 19
7. 系统电路的制作与调试 20
7.1 电路硬件焊接制作 20
7.2 调试的主要方法 20
7.3 系统调试 20
7.3.1 硬件调试 20
7.3.2 软件调试 20
7.3.3 联机调试 21
7.3.4调试中遇到的问题及解决方法 21
结论 23
参考文献 24
附录1 数字钟电路图 26
附录2 程序清单 27
附录3 英文资料 59
附录4 英文资料翻译 69
致谢 77