摘 要
With the development of social economy and science and technology, RFID technology is more and more widely used in various industries. It plays an important role in commerce, logistics, information and capital, etc., and has become an indispensable part of daily life.
RFID technology is critical to identifying the user's ID card and successfully applying it to a variety of systems. The unique ID card number is stored inside the card, which can be used as the identification of users or specific items and applied to various systems. It is very common to use ID card in daily life.
Starting from the RFID technology, this paper firstly introduces the development and current situation of this technology, and introduces the principle of some single chip microcomputer needed in this system. Then the structure and composition of the RFID system and the working principle of each module in the system are introduced. The RFID system design can be divided into hardware and software design of two parts, the hardware part to STC89C52 series MCU as the control module, combined with the corresponding peripheral circuit, RC522 RFID chip module as the core, to achieve the ID card reading. The software part is developed by C language, and the system design is completed by writing the main function module, the card finding module and the display module, and the data exchange function is realized.
Key Words:ID card; RFID; RC522; MCU

第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外现状 1
1.3 论文内容安排 2
第二章 方案论证 4
第三章 单片机原理 5
3.1 中断系统 5
3.2 LCD1602显示屏 6
3.3 串行通信 7
第四章 RFID技术原理 9
4.1 RFID系统构成 9
4.2 读写器 10
4.2.1 读写器的功能结构 10
4.2.2 RC522读卡模块 11
4.3 电子标签 13
4.3.1 电子标签的组成 13
4.3.2 EM4100芯片数据结构 14
4.4 编码与调制 16
4.4.1 编码技术 16
4.4.2 调制技术 19
4.5 校验技术 20
4.6 防碰撞技术 22
第五章 系统设计与调试 23
5.1 系统硬件电路设计 23
5.2 软件设计 25
5.2.1 主函数 25
5.2.2 寻卡模块 26
5.2.3 显示模块 27
5.3 系统调试 29
第六章 总结与展望 31
参考文献 32
致谢 33