After years of development, China has become a recognized industrial power in the world. On the way to becoming an industrial power, China still has many problems to overcome, to constantly improve the degree of automation of China's industrial production, and to improve the efficiency of China's industrial production. Industrial production is inseparable from the workshop of the actual production base. Besides, a good product is inseparable from the workshop of a good environment. Research perspective of this article is focused on the environmental monitoring in the foundry, the purpose is to design a set of casting workshop humidity and temperature monitoring control of single chip microcomputer system, the main implementation of humidity and temperature monitoring in the foundry, the humidity and temperature in casting workshop after more than a certain threshold value will be carried out in alarm, and start the fan to foundry wet cooling down. The design of this system mainly uses the simulation method. Firstly, simulate the function of the environmental monitoring system of the casting workshop. Then, according to the demand , make physical simulation of the environment of the casting workshop to verify the system function. Through it, trying to provide some practical design scheme reference for the environmental monitoring and control of the casting workshop in our country.
Key word: 51 single-chip microcomputer; Environmental monitoring; Temperature; Humidity

第1章绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的和意义 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 1
1.4 课题研究内容 3
1.5 预期目标 3
第2章方案的比较与选择 4
2.1 单片机模块比较与选择 4
2.2 温湿度模块比较与选择 4
2.3 通信模块比较与选择 5
第3章系统模块介绍 6
3.1 系统架构 6
3.2 系统分模块介绍 6
3.2.1 温湿度监测模块 6
3.2.2 LCD显示模块 8
3.2.3 时钟模块 10
3.2.4 单片机控制模块 11
3.2.5 继电控制模块 12
3.2.6 报警模块 12
3.2.7 通信模块 13
第4章系统软件设计 14
4.1 主程序 14
4.2 温湿度采集程序 15
4.3 时钟程序 15
4.4 显示子程序 16
4.5 通信子程序 17
第5章系统结果调试 18
5.1 软件介绍 18
5.2 程序开发流程 18
5.3 结果测试 20
第6章结论与展望 23
6.1 结论 23
6.2 展望 23
参考文献 24
附录A 25
致谢 27