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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16314033 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314033

摘 要

 Fan as a frequent used equipment in life, with its excellent performance and easy to accept the price into thousands of households. Fans are often seen in large factories and in people's homes. However, many fans still use traditional control methods, although their lines are simple and easy to manage and maintain, but because of their simple design, the functions that can be performed are not rich enough, and the wind speed can‘t be adjusted in time according to the ambient temperature. People still need to manually adjust the gear, and when people forget to turn off the power supply, the fan still keeps turning, resulting in a waste of energy. So temperature control is now widely used. Technology to control fans, for example, in some large equipment inside the heat dissipation system. The intelligent on-board temperature control fan breaks through the traditional fan mode and stands out with its many advantages. It combines the automatic control technology and the single-chip microcomputer technology together.
 This paper mainly introduces the use of STC8A8K64S4A12 as the control core, the inside temperature detection function is realized by DS18B20, carrying the human body infrared sensing module to achieve a more intelligent temperature control function. And the control button is designed, which can control the upper and lower limits of temperature according to the user's usage habit, and output the wind power of different sizes, which makes the system basically realize the function of the intelligent on-board fan.
Keywords: STC8A8K64S4A12; vehicle fan; human body sensing;


目  录
摘 要    1
Abstract    2
目  录    3
第一章 绪论    4
1.1 课题背景    4
1.2研究的目的及意义    4
1.3 国内外研究现状    5
1.4 研究主要内容    6
第二章 系统设计方案及原理介绍    7
2.1 引言及方案设计的基本思路    7
2.2 方案设计    7
2.2.1 设计方案一    7
2.2.2 设计方案二    8
2.2.3 设计方案三    8
2.3 方案的比较与选择    8
第三章 系统硬件电路设计    10
3.1 系统总体结构框图    10
3.2 单片机STC8A8K64S4A12功能简介    10
3.3温度检测模块:    11
3.4人体感应模块:    12
3.5主控芯片STC8A8K64S4A12电路:    13
3.6温度显示模块:    14
3.7风扇驱动电路模块:    15
3.8按键模块:    15
第四章 系统软件设计    17
4.1 系统主程序流程图    17
4.2数字温度测量和显示子模块    18
第五章 性能测试与分析    19
5.1 各模块仿真测试    19
5.2 系统仿真结果及分析    19
5.2.1 系统温度显示仿真结果    20
5.2.2 系统按键调节仿真结果    21
5.2.3人体感应模块仿真结果    22
5.3 系统整体仿真结果及分析    23
5.4系统仿真调试评估    24
结 论    25
参考文献    26
附录  总电路图    27
谢 辞    28
