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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16314034 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314034

摘  要

Power transformer is one of the main equipments of all kinds of power plants and substations of all sizes. Power transformer is a kind of electrical equipment which is commonly used in production and life. It is used to turn AC voltage into another or several different voltage values with the same frequency. There are many kinds of power transformers all over the world, the working principle and structure form are the same, generally there are similar basic parts. Power transformer plays an important role in industrial production and daily life.
Power transformer is an AC voltage component that uses the electromagnetic induction principle discovered by British physicist Faraday to change the input and output voltage. The stable operation and service life of power transformer in operation largely depends on the environmental conditions of transformer operation. Temperature condition plays a very important role in transformer, so it is very important to design a monitoring and control system for transformer operating environment.
In this paper, an intelligent transformer air-cooling control system is designed, which uses advanced AT89C52 microprocessor, high precision energy-saving sensor module and stable and reliable power electronic devices to realize the design of transformer intelligent cooling system with fast real-time detection, low power consumption and strong anti-interference ability. Even in harsh environment, the system can quickly control the cooling and heat dissipation of power transformer, and the system has no too complex structure to make it easy and fast to install and maintain with very low cost. It is very suitable for remote areas with harsh environment and inconvenient traffic.
Keywords: Single chip microcomputer; Air Cooling Control; DS18B20



目 录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
引  言    1
第一章 绪论    2
1.1课题背景及意义    2
1.2国内外变压器冷却技术发展研究现状    2
1.3课题研究的主要内容    4
第二章 相关技术理论及主要元器件    5
2.1主控制器AT89C52    5
2.2数字温度传感器DS18B20    6
2.3液晶显示器LM016L    7
2.4湿度传感器SHT75    9
2.5 RS-485标准总线    9
2.6电源部分的电路设计    10
第三章 系统硬件电路设计    11
3.1系统方案设计    11
3.1.1 设计思路    11
3.1.2 整体电路图及结构框图设计    13
3.2 系统硬件电路设计    15
3.2.1.主控电路设计    15
3.2.2.风机控制电路设计    16
3.2.3.温度传感器和湿度传感器电路设计    18
3.2.4.显示电路设计    18
第四章 系统软件设计    20
4.1系统流程图    20
4.1.1风机冷却程序流程图    20
4.1.2主程序    21
4.2其他部分程序设计    22
4.2.1运行温度采集子程序    23
4.3 程序仿真结果分析    25
结  论    28
参考文献    29
谢  辞    30
