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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16314108 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314108

摘   要


    Due to industrial pollution, vehicle exhaust emissions, making the environmental problems become more serious. At the same time the industrial revolution has been such that national economic development, making the quality of life of the people has improved, but environmental issues are seriously endanger human health. Based on the improvement of people's quality of life requirements, air quality has also been attention. The papers are designed air detector is used to detect air quality problems, it is mainly based on macro crystal's an 8-bit ultra-low power microcontroller stc89c52 to control the core, it is possible to achieve the temperature and humidity, harmful gas collection and processing , display, alarm and other functions.
  The main feature of this paper: This run from the first microcontroller and select chip select are introduced, and then the peripheral hardware circuit design and presentation, form a complete simulation hardware system, then take the C programming language design-driven hardware circuit , to achieve the ultimate goal of the design, very good to achieve their desired functions implemented. The instrument is simple and convenient for home and community life of great benefit.
Key Words: singlechip;IAQ;humiture


目  录
第1章 绪论    1
1.1 课题背景及意义    1
1.2 国内外的研究状况    1
1.3研究设计的基本内容、目标、拟采用的技术方案及措施    2
1.3.1本文的主要研究内容    2
1.3.2采取的技术方案和措施    2
1.3.3功能设定    3
第2章  空气质量检测仪的硬件设计    4
2.1 空气质量检测仪简介    4
2.1.1 硬件结构以及原理    4
2.2 STC89C52的简介    4
2.2.1单片机主要特点    4
2.2.2 STC89C52单片机最小系统    5
2.3温湿度传感器    6
    2.4气体传感器    10
2.4.1气体传感器的原理    10
2.4.2气体传感器的分类    10
2.5 LCD1602显示模块    11
2.5.1 参数和引脚    12
2.5.2 DDRAM    13
2.5.3 操作指令    13
2.5.4 LCD1602的基本操作    15
2.6模数转换电路设计    16
2.7声光报警电路设计    17
2.8按键电路设计    18
第3章 空气质量检测仪的软件设计    19
3.1 编程语言的选择    19
    3.2 软件功能需求    19
3.3软件模块设计    20
3.3.1主程序模块    20
3.3.2 AD转换模块    21
3.3.4声光报警模块    25
3.3.5按键模块    27
3.3.6 SHT11模块软件设计代码    30
第4章keil的使用和proteus仿真调试    31
4.1 keil 软件的设置    31
4.2 系统软件调试    31
第5章 结  论    33
参考文献    34
致    谢    35
附录    36
