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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16314146 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314146

In the context of the rapid development of electronic technology, wireless remote control and single-chip microcomputer has been widely used in various fields, is the measurement and control system in the field of a modern focus. The remote design is based on single-chip remote control car system, the use of STC89C51 single-chip, the use of toy car frame, the use of remote control for manual operation, car remote control signal through the NRF24L01 wireless module, the car through the NRF24L01 wireless module to receive signals The signal is processed to generate the PWM signal, change the current and voltage to control the DC motor, to achieve the car forward, backward, turn left, turn right, stop, acceleration, deceleration and other functions; using Hall sensor to detect the speed of the car, the small magnet fixed Axle on the turntable, a small magnet each time through the sensor, will produce a pulse signal, and the pulse signal sent to the microcontroller, through the corresponding algorithm to obtain the speed of the car, the car's current state of motion and speed, through the LCD1602 LCD display , For real-time environmental monitoring, intelligent remote control car and other aspects of the platform. Through a large number of practice has proved that the wireless remote control car has a simple design, easy to produce and other characteristics, according to the needs of the use of the environment, on this basis for further modification and expansion.
Key Words:wireless remote control; single chip; remote control car; NRF24L01


目录    I
第1章绪论    1
1.1 研究的背景、目的和意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    1
第2章方案设计    3
2.1 设计任务    3
2.2 系统方案设计    3
2.3 模块选型论证    3
2.3.1 车体的设计    3
2.3.2 控制器模块    4
2.3.3 遥控模块    4
2.3.4电机驱动模块    4
2.3.5显示模块    5
2.3.6速度检测模块    5
2.3.7电源模块    5
2.4 最终方案确定    5
第3章    系统硬件设计    7
3.1主控模块的设计    7
3.1.1单片机的介绍    7
3.1.2时钟电路的设计    8
3.1.3复位电路的设计    9
3.2电机驱动模块设计    9
3.2.1电机驱动原理    9
3.2.2 L293D引脚及定义    10
3.2.3电机驱动与控制电路    11
3.3数据显示模块设计    12
3.3.1模块接口说明    12
3.3.2初始化设置    12
3.3.3基本操作时序表    13
3.3.4液晶显示模块电路    13
3.4霍尔测速模块设计    14
3.4.1霍尔原理    15
3.4.2霍尔传感器分类    15
3.4.3霍尔开关传感器测速原理    16
3.5无线遥控模块设计    16
3.5.1引脚功能及描述    17
3.5.2 NRF24L01工作原理    17
第4章    软件设计    19
4.1总体程序流程图    19
4.2键盘控制程序    20
4.3电机控制程序    22
4.4液晶显示程序    23
4.5霍尔测速程序    24
4.6无线遥控模块    25
第5章    实物调试    26
第6章总结    28
参考文献    29
附录1:元器件清单    30
附录2:原理图    31
致谢        33
