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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16314153 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314153

摘  要
 An electric energy meter is an electrical unit that is required by all the electrical units or individuals, and realizes the accurate calculation of the electric power of the user. Today, is widely used in electric power, the importance of watt-hour meter is becoming more and more big, and watt-hour meter as a bridge between the connected user and power company, let the electricity better play its role. But today, as science and technology advances, traditional electricity meters are no longer enough to meet the needs of people today.
This paper adopts STM32F103RC single-chip microcomputer as the main control chip, and realizes the intelligent design of digital energy meter. The design of the module is designed by modular design. Its main components include: block central control module, power module, EEPROM storage module, signal acquisition module, LCD segment code display module, key input module and RS485 communication interface module. The software design aspect USES MDK to compile the main program and implements the design of the software circuit.
In this paper, the performance and testing of digital smart meters are carried out in the final stage, and the data is collected and processed. Finally, the analysis found that the digital smart meter can realize the function of the design, so this design is more successful.

Key words: Power Meter; STM32F103; segment LCD;RS485


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第1章绪论    1
1.1研究背景及内容    1
1.1.1研究背景    1
1.1.2研究内容    1
1.2 智能数字电能表的现状    1
1.2.1智能数字电能表的概念    1
1.2.2智能数字电能表的发展现状    1
1.3智能数字电能表的发展前景    2
1.4智能数字电能表存在的问题    2
1.5本文主要研究内容    3
第2章智能数字电能表硬件设计    4
2.1整体方案设计    4
2.2 主控芯片的选择    4
2.2.1 STM32F芯片简介    5
2.2.2 STM32F芯片优势    5
2.3 硬件电路设计    6
2.3.1 主控电路设计    6
2.3.2 采样电路设计    9
2.3.3 按键显示电路设计    11
2.3.4 RS485通讯电路设计    12
2.3.5 存储电路设计    13
2.4 本章小结    14
第3章智能数字电能表软件设计    15
3.1 软件设计    15
3.1.1 软件开发平台MDK    15
3.1.2 软件设计流程    15
3.2 主程序设计    16
3.3 初始化子程序设计    17
3.4 采样程序设计    19
3.5 计量程序设计    20
3.5.1 计量算法的介绍    20
3.5.2 ADC数据转换原理    21
3.5.3 计量算法程序设计    22
3.6 显示程序设计    23
3.7 按键处理程序设计    24
3.8 本章小结    25
第4章系统测试及实验    26
4.1 采样电路模块测试    26
4.1.1 采样电路仿真测试    26
4.1.2 采样电路测试    28
4.2 ADC模块调试    29
4.3 显示模块调试    29
4.4 本章小结    30
第5章总结与展望    31
5.1 工作总结    31
5.2 展望    31
参考文献    33
附录A:硬件设计原理图与PCB图    35
致谢    42
