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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16314192 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314192

摘  要
In view of the increasing demand of consumers for the quality of fruits, it is often necessary to sort fruits by certain criteria before they enter the market to meet the needs of consumers. This article is aimed at the problem,that the present stage of fruit sorting equipments in the market are often using computers as the host, and this approach often leads to sorting equipment is too expensive and difficult to widely promote the situation in the market,so then studied using single-chip computer to replace the host computer to achieve the fruit sorting system,which makes the weight of fruit as criteria. In this design, the system is based on 52 single-chip microcomputers, and the weight is measured by the sensor. The LCD and PC display the weight and store the data at the same time, which is convenient for later data reviewing. After being processed by the microprocessor system, the weight is compared with the level ,which has already been set from PC, then the fruit is divided into corresponding weight levels, and the actuator is driven to push the fruit into the corresponding sorting box. The system is designed to be simple and reliable, at the same time the cost is relatively low, and it can meet the requirements for fruit sorting equipment in most situations. The main tasks completed in this design are as follows:
    Investigating the development situation of the fruit sorting equipment nowadays,and design a fruit sorting system by sorting a reliable criteria.
    After reviewing and researching the relevant data of various types of pressure sensors ,which are already existing in the market, and then considering various factors such as range, sensitivity, cost, etc., the resistance strain type pressure sensor is finally used to detect the signal . Such pressure sensors are already widely used in electronic scales.
    Researching various types of A/D conversion chips that are widely used in the field of technology and are widely sold in the market. After consulting their application examples in various fields, the HX711 chip is selected to be served as the analog-to-digital conversion module of the system.
    After researching and reviewing the currently widely used display devices and its data, in consideration of the need for simultaneous display of numbers and characters for this design, LCD1602 was finally selected as the display device.
    Various types of control algorithms are reviewed. Given that this system is an open-loop system and the final actuator output signal is proportional to the speed of the conveyor belt, proportional control is selected ,in order to make sure that the system can have a higher steady-state accuracy and faster response speed.
    Using Labview software to achieve the data communication between the upper and lower units, to strengthen the human-computer interaction, and more convenient for the operator to operate the system.
Keywords: fruit sorting; weight; single chip microcomputer; measurement and control system

在确定了如何设计该系统的大体思路以后,在本篇文章中将详细地阐述系统各部分组成。其中主要围绕系统的硬件设计、软件设计共两部分展开。在系统硬件部分,本文介绍了所使用的传感器型号、A/D转换芯片、单片机最小系统以及LCD1602液晶屏的具体功能,其次也介绍了由推杆等构成的执行机构模块以及它具体完成的功能;在软件部分将介绍用于给单片机编程的Keil C软件以及其所主要完成的功能,同时将介绍用于编写上位机所使用labview软件的界面与程序设计。



目 录
第1章 绪论    1
1.1 研究的意义    1
1.2国内外水果分选设备发展状况    2
1.3本文主要工作内容    2
第2章 系统组成与方案选择    4
2.1 系统组成    4
2.1.1 下位机系统    4
2.1.2 上位机系统    4
2.2方案选择    5
2.2.1单片机系统    5
2.2.2传感器    5
2.2.3 A/D转换模块    6
2.2.4 显示系统    6
2.2.5 控制模块    7
2.3 本章小结    8
第3章 硬件系统设计    9
3.1 单片机系统    9
3.1.1单片机最小系统    9
3.1.2 USB下载电路部分引脚    10
3.2压力传感器    10
3.3 A/D转换模块    12
3.4显示器件    14
3.5串口通信    14
3.6分选执行机构    15
3.6.1 传送带测速传感器    15
3.6.2 直流电机驱动模块    16
3.7本章小节    17
第4章 上位机软件系统设计    18
4.1 上位机设计    18
4.1.1上位机前面板设计    18
4.1.2上位机后面板设计    19
4.2上位机各节点设计    19
4.2.1 VISA串口配置    19
4.2.2 VISA 写入函数    20
4.2.3 VISA读取函数    20
4.2.4阈值设置    20
4.2.5称重显示以及等级显示    21
4.2.6系统时间显示    21
4.2.7数据存储    22
4.3本章小结    22
第5章 下位机软件系统设计    23
5.1软件选择    23
5.1.1编程软件选择    23
5.1.2烧录软件    23
5.2下位机软件总流程设计    23
5.3各模块程序设计    24
5.3.1称重模块    24
5.3.2数值显示以及重量分级模块    25
5.3.3分选模块    26
5.3.4串口通信模块    27
5.3.5控制模块    28
5.4本章小结    29
第6章 实物仿真调试    30
6.1实物仿真过程    30
6.1.1实物仿真目的    30
6.1.2实物搭建    30
6.1.3仿真过程    31
6.1.4仿真结果分析    33
6.2 本章小结    33
第7章 结论    34
参考文献    35
附录    36
附录A 程序代码    36
附录B 电路原理图    44
附录C 元器件清单    45
致谢    46
