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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16314273 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314273

摘  要
关键词:计步器;加速度传感器;ADXL345; GPS

Design of pedometer-based microcontrollers
Pedometer is a popular daily exercise progress monitor, can motivate people to challenge themselves, enhance physical fitness, to help lose weight. Early designs used a weighted mechanical switch detects the pace, and with a simple counter. When shaking the device, you can hear a metal ball to slide back and forth, left and right, or a pendulum swinging percussion stopper.Pedometer function can calculate the movement of people to analyze the situation of human health. And the movement of people can be analyzed by many features. With the traditional mechanical sensors differ, ADXL345 three-axis sensor is a capacitive acceleration signal by its human motion capture, and more accurate. Signal through a low pass filter, the microcontroller built-in A / D converter for signal sampling, A / D conversion. Software uses an adaptive algorithm pedometer function, reduce error count is more accurate. STC89C52 SCM control LCD pedometer state. Machine operating current of only 1-1.5mA, ultra-low power consumption.
Key Words: pedometer; Acceleration sensor;  ADXL345; GPS
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
第一章  绪论    1
1.1  研究背景、目的及意义    1
1.2  论文研究的内容    1
1.3  研究现状    2
1.4  内容安排    2
第二章  方案设计及选择    3
2.1  总体方案    3
2.2  传感器的选择    4
2.3  主控制器的选择    4
2.4  显示屏选择    5
    2.5   通信方式的选择
第三章  系统硬件电路设计    8
3.1STC89C52单片机最小系统    8
3.1.1  电源电路    8
3.1.2  时钟电路    8
3.1.3  复位电路    9
        3.1.4   蓝牙串口模块
3.2 按键电路    10
3.3 液晶显示器电路    11
3.4 GPS模块电路    12
第四章  系统软件设计    14
4.1  概述    14
4.2  下位机编程设计    14
          4.2.2 LCD12864显示的编程设计
          4.2.3 按键编程设计
4.3  上位机编程设计    16
4.3.1  总体设计    16
4.3.2  串口通信设计    20
第五章  系统的综合调试与功能演示    24
5.1  硬件调试    24
5.1.1  单片机最小系统调试    24
5.1.2  按键电路调试    26
        5.1.3    LCD12864调试
5.2  软件调试    28
         5,2,2 下位机软件调试
5.3 串口通信调试
第六章  总结与展望    30
参考文献    31
致  谢    32
