关键词:51单片机的8路抢答器 AT89C51 PROTEUS
Design of 8 way responder based on single chip microcomputer
In the life of all kinds of sports games we can often encounter when there is a need to answer, and if we choose to use his hand speed to determine who is xianjn hand answer, not only because the host is not good judgment, but there is no way to let others say this will create convincing the game is difficult to cause some trouble. When the responder responder is came into being, in order to players competing to answer in the design of an electronic circuit judge who first responder, it is not only convenient for the host and player and most people are convinced, so it is most in need of it activities and competitions with. Using the mode, number circuit, single or double use can achieve the required functions, for responder. Now, the single-chip technology continues to high-end, continuous variety of functions, it is applied in more and more places, our lives and society is because of the SCM and become more exciting. This graduation design I use 51 microcontroller as the central components of logic control and the realization of eight responder function, can let the host can begin to answer the first press the button, eight buttons on the side of the players began to use, you can begin to answer the key players. The countdown time began to appear as a contestant's answer in time, before the end of the countdown countdown time but the player can answer after answer keys can't use a player will not answer. If a person succeeds, even if the other player to press the key is useless, we must ensure that the first responder players can successfully grab the right. Successful answer, the screen to show the player's scoring situation and his number, and then by the moderator to determine whether the player's answer is correct, and then you can press the key to the players plus or minus points. We can keep the player's score unless the whole system is cleared, and then the host can press the button to start the next question.
The graduation project, I choose to use AT89C51 microcontroller to do this eight responder, to achieve its vies to answer the function, it simple operation and superior performance, let me decisively chose it.
Key words: 51 single chip microcomputer 8 way responder AT89C51 PROTEUS

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究的背景和意义 1
1.2抢答器的内容和现状 2
1.3毕业设计(论文)章节安排 2
第二章 系统设计内容 4
2.1 设计的目的 4
2.2设计任务和要求 4
2.3 抢答器的原理 4
2.4 单片机控制原理 5
第三章 八路抢答器系统的原理 8
3.1 功能模块电路 8
3.1.1复位电路和主持人电路 8
3.1.2 选手抢答按键电路 9
3.1.3 显示电路 10
3.1.4蜂鸣器发声电路 11
3.2八路抢答器原理与结构图 11
第四章 软件设计 13
4.1程序设计 13
4.1.1 系统流程图 13
4.1.2抢答成功流程图 15
4.1.3 抢答失败流程图 16
4.2 程序代码 17
4.2.1 主程序 17
4.2.2 定时器子程序 17
4.2.3 延时子程序 18
4.2.4 显示子程序 18
第五章 系统仿真调试 19
第六章 抢答器实物 21
第七章 总结和期望 23
参考文献 24
致谢 25
附录 26