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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16314313 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314313

近年来,随着超大规模集成电路技术的迅猛发展,单片机在机器人、家用电器、工业(过程)控制等诸多领域发挥着愈发重要的作用。而虚拟仪器技术(Virtual instrument)--最具影响力的图形化编程系统之一,在引出20余年时间里不断进行着革新与发展,已受到了世界范围内学术界的认可。LabVIEW(Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench)作为开发虚拟仪器技术并使之应用于仪器测试、工业控制、系统仿真等领域的新型语言开发环境也得到了较为广泛的研究及应用。

关键词: 单片机  LabVIEW  温度检测  串口通信

Design of the Temperature Control System Based on SCM and LabVIEW
In recent years, with the rapid development of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI), Single Chip Microcomputer (SCM) is playing a more and more important role in the field of robots、home electrical appliances、industrial control and other domains. While Virtual Instrument (VI) -- one of the most epoch-making graphic programmable systems,is gradually acknowledged by the academic and scientific world all over the world with its constant revolution and development since its introduction 20 years ago. As a new category of language developing environment aimed to develop and apply VI into instrument testing、industrial control 、system simulation and other fields, LabVIEW(Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench)has been universally researched and studied as well.
From the perspective of operability、expansibility and cost performance, the paper proposes a kind of temperature control system based on STC15F2K60S2 single-chip as the main controller, temperature sensor-- DS18B20、 LED、 switch、serial communication circuit (by chip USB-CP2102)、four digit tube、key and other components as the lower-SCM and the upper-PC based on LabVIEW, which commonly composed the whole temperature detection scheme. The design of system is mainly made up of hardware designing and software debugging two parts, the hardware system design includes MCU, LED digital display module, DS18B20 module. And the software system as the upper-PC is mainly based on LabVIEW. This paper adopts the idea of modular programming technology to design the contents of software and hardware respectively, and then achieve data communication between lower-SCM and the upper-PC by serial communication circuit to complete the whole design. This design could achieve the general function as detecting the real time environmental temperature variations and satisfy the purposes of simple design、low cost、high accuracy and direct human machine interface.
Key Words:SCM;LabVIEW;temperature detection;DS18B20 

摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 课题简介    1
1.2 研究背景及发展现状    1
1.3 研究目的及其意义    3
第二章 系统总体设计    4
2.1 系统方案设计    4
2.2 系统设计原理    4
2.3 系统运行总体流程    5
2.3 方案论证与确认    5
2.4 本章小结    6
第三章 系统硬件设计    7
3.1 硬件设计概述    7
3.2 关键单元电路的设计    7
3.2.1 控制核心STC15F2K60S2电路设计    7
3.2.2温度传感器电路的设计    8
3.2.3 LED数码管显示电路的设计    13
3.2.4 串口通信电路设计    14
3.3 本章小结    17
 第四章 系统软件设计    18
4.1 软件流程设计    18
4.2上位机串口通信函数    18
4.2.1 VISA配置串口函数    19
4.2.2 VISA读取函数    20
4.2.3 VISA关闭函数    21
4.3 LabVIEW程序设计    21
4.3.1前面板设计    21
4.3.2 程序框图设计    23
4.4 下位机程序设计    25
4.4.1数码管显示函数    26
4.4.2延时函数    27
4.4.3数据发送至串口    27
4.4.4 DS18B20温度读写函数    28
4.5 本章小结    28
第五章 小结与思考    29
致谢    30
参考文献    31
