来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16314318 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314318
关键词:步进电机 IAP15W4K58S4单片机波尔共振仪控制电路
Control and Application Research of stepper motor based on IAP15W4K58S4 MCU
According to the principle and application of step motor and photoelectric encoder, we have designed a stepper motor control system on the Bohr resonator, and use the programmable and operational functions of the single chip computer to change the software program and control the stepping motor flexibly according to the different uses and control requirements. In this paper, the principle of stepping motor is analyzed, and the step motor based on IAP15W4K58S4 single chip is combined with each module, and the hardware circuit is designed. Then, the software program for stepping motor is compiled according to the application requirements. We have designed the system with high precision, smooth operation, and the functions of starting, stopping, positive and reverse, and variable speed in different kinds of control systems.
Key words: Stepping motor; IAP15W4K58S4 single chip; Bohr resonator; Control circuit.

摘要 2
Abstract 3
第一章绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2研究背景和意义 1
1.3整体设计方案 2
第二章系统硬件设计 5
2.1.1步进电机概述 5
2.1.2常见的步进电机控制系统 9
2.1.3步进电机的连接原理图 11
2.2单片机模块部分 12
2.2.1单片机的简介 12
2.2.2IAP15W4K58S4的单片机介绍 13
2.3光电编码器模块部分 14
2.3.1光电编码器原理简介 14
2.3.2光电编码器模块电路设计 15
2.4继电器电路模块部分 16
2.4.1继电器工作原理简介 16
2.4.2继电器模块电路设计 17
第三章系统软件设计 19
3.1 PWM相关寄存器定义程序 19
3.2初始化函数 20
3.3PWM频率调节程序(用于调节步进电机转速) 20
3.4电机软启动程序部分 22
3.5外部中断INT1的部分程序 23
第四章应用实例 25
4.1在波尔共振仪中的应用 25
4.1.1仪器的不足之处 25
4.1.2应用步进电机之后的波尔共振仪 26
4.2在数控机床中的应用 27
4.2.1数控机床 27
4.2.2步进电机的控制 28
4.3在汽车仪表中的应用 29
第五章仪器的原理图与PCB 35
5.1仪器的实物图 35
5.2仪器的实验操作图片 35
5.3仪器的原理图 37
5.4仪器的PCB板设计图 39
第六章总结 40
参考文献 41
致谢 42