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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16314321 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314321

在本论文中设计一款步进电机控制系统,其以 AT89C51 单片机为控制中心,采用模块化设计,其包括电源模块、单片机最小系统模块、按键模块、驱动电路模块和显示电路模块,对步进电机的运行状态进行控制,同时通过软件编程技术提高了控制系统的灵活性、可靠性和扩展性。

关键字:步进电机  51单片机  模块化设计  proteus仿真

Design of stepper motor control system based on single chip microcomputer
Now society has entered the information age. The application of computer technology and microelectronics technology has made our life more and more intelligent. As stepper motor is a commonly used executive element in industrial production, the control technology of stepper motor has also greatly improved. Because of the importance of stepping motor in the control field, it is of great significance to design an economical and practical stepper motor control system with stable control function.
In this paper, a stepper motor control system is designed, which takes the AT89C51 single chip as the control center and adopts modular design. It includes the power module, the MCU minimum system module, the key module, the driving circuit module and the display circuit module. It also controls the running state of the stepping motor, and the software is compiled by the software. The technology improves the flexibility, reliability and scalability of the control system.
In this design, a combination of software and hardware is used to simulate with the proteus software to realize forward rotation, reverse rotation, stoppage, acceleration, and deceleration of the stepper motor. In order to facilitate the operator to control the stepper motor, the display is used to display the running state of the stepper motor.

Keywords: Stepper motor; 51microcontroller; modular design; proteus simulation

目  录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1课题背景    1
1.2 国内外研究概况    1
1.3 课题研究的意义    2
1.4 课题的内容    3
第二章 步进电机的概述    4
2.1 步进电机的简介    4
2.2 步进电机的结构及分类    4
2.3 步进电机的工作原理    5
2.3 步进电机的主要特性    6
2.4 步进电机的驱动方式    7
2.5 步进电机的选择类型    8
2.5 步进电机的控制    9
第三章 步进电机控制系统的硬件设计    10
3.1 硬件设计的介绍    10
3.2电源电路模块    10
3.3 单片机最小系统    11
3.3.1 51单片机    11
3.3.2 复位电路    12
3.3.3 时钟电路    13
3.4 驱动电路模块    13
3.4.1 ULN2003芯片    13
3.4.2 驱动电路    14
3.5 显示电路模块    15
3.5.1 液晶显示器    15
3.5.2 显示电路    16
3.6 按键电路模块    17
第四章 步进电机控制系统的软件设计    19
4.1 Keil软件简介    19
4.2 单片机主程序和初始化程序    19
4.3 按键扫描程序和定时中断控制程序    22
4.4 LCD初始化和显示判断程序    23
4.5 LCD字符提取模块子程序    25
4.6 步进电机脉冲产生子程序    25
第五章 系统仿真与实物展示    27
5.1 proteus仿真软件简介    27
5.2 系统仿真    27
5.3 实物展示    32
致谢    39
参考文献    40
