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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16314381 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314381


With the development of science and intelligence, developingthe intelligent vehicle is the wave of the future, and intelligent bus is the important part of intelligent vehicles. This paperintroduces a design of intelligent car system based on microcontroller.STC89C52 microcontrolleris used as the system control core for this design, which is the enhancement of MCS - 51 seriesmicrocontrollers.This idea uses infrared photoelectric sensors to detect the black line on the road,ittransmitsthe detected signals to the signal processing circuit, then puts the processed signal into the microcontroller, microcontroller will take processed control signalinto L298N for driving the motors. Also PWM wave which is generated by programmingis transmitted to motor control module in order to realize the speed control. This design has simple structure, and the experimental results meet the requirements. This paperwill mainly introduce the design process of the hardware and software.
KeyWords:Microcontroller;PWMspeed modulation; Motor driver; Tracing;Sensor


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第1章绪论    1
第2章模拟公交控制系统设计方案    2
2.1系统设计要求    2
2.2系统设计方案    2
第3章模拟公交控制系统关键模块电路设计    4
3.1信息处理模块的实现    4
3.1.1复位电路    5
3.1.2时钟电路    5
3.2路面循迹系统的实现    6
3.3电机驱动电路的设计与实现    8
3.3.1电机的选择    8
3.3.2H桥式电机驱动原理    9
3.3.3L298电机驱动电路    10
3.4直流调速分析    11
3.5报站电路    13
3.6供电电路    13
3.7本章小结    13
第4章模拟公交控制系统软件设计    15
4.1主程序设计    15
4.2端口定义模块    16
4.3初始化函数    17
4.4延时子函数    18
4.4.1软件延时    18
4.4.2定时3秒程序    18
4.5循迹状态扫描子函数    19
4.6电机控制子函数    21
4.7调速子函数    23
4.7.1PWM波的产生    23
4.7.2按键检测与速度处理子函数    24
4.8报站子程序    26
4.9本章小结    27
第5章小车制作与功能测试    28
5.1智能公交小车的制作    28
5.2智能公交小车的测试    28
5.3本章小结    28
第6章总结与展望    30
6.1总结    30
6.2展望    30
参考文献    30
附录A系统原理图    32
附录B小车实物图    33
附录C设计源代码    34
致谢    41
