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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16314382 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314382

应用超声波测距的原理,实现对被测物体距离的测量,本次设计的基于ATMega128的超声波测距系统,能够实现精确测量,从而实施实时性控制。由于论文研究涉及的方面较多,在论文设计过程中,秉着简洁方便的原则,对论文进行“模块化”处理,便于进行硬件设计和软件设计。可以实现超声波测距的各种功能。利用单片机对模块进行脉冲触发,并对模块反馈的高电平持续的时间计时和进行距离的计算,根据距离控制1602 液晶显示屏显示相应的距离,输出报警信号。

关键词: ATMega128   超声波测距
People living under the growing ultrasonic distance measurement technology promotion, more convenient. Ultrasonic distance measurement technology is our most popular electronic sensing technology to meet people's requirements for distance measurement can be performed in real time, accurate measurement. In some applications, ultrasonic distance measurement enables accurate measurement, so as to implement real-time control, it can be widely used in various fields. For example, the built-in auto reverse anti-collision system, the main contents of the submarine acoustic emission systems, medical equipment and other detection systems of this project is based on in-depth research on the microcontroller, ultrasonic measuring system designed and implemented.
ATMega128 ultrasonic ranging system based on this design, it is possible to achieve accurate measurement, so as to implement real-time control. Since the study deals with many aspects of the paper, in the paper the design process, is holding simple and convenient principles for the thesis "modular" process, facilitate hardware and software design. Ultrasonic Ranging can achieve a variety of functions.
Ultrasonic Ranging single-chip combination to achieve automation equipment, intelligent devices can be improved, so that the data processing capacity and processing efficiency has been greatly improved, can be used to perform different system applications. Has an easy control, reliable operation, high accuracy and readability, and other advantages, it can play an important role in the field of ultrasonic testing, sonic transmission system and reversing radar system and the like.

Key words:ATMega128  Silent Wave  Measure Distance

摘要    I
Abstract    II
第1章绪论    1
1.1超声波测距的背景和依据    1
1.2超声波测距的目的和意义    1
1.3超声波测距技术的发展方向    2
1.4本文主要研究内容和方案    2
第2章超声波测距原理    4
2.1超声波简介    4
2.2超声波传感器介绍    4
2.3超声波测距原理    5
第3章系统硬件设计    7
3.1主控模块    7
3.2超声波测距模块    9
3.3显示模块    13
第4章系统软件设计    15
4.1主控模块    15
4.2超声波测距模块    18
4.3显示模块    20
第5章仿真和调试    25
第6章总结    28
参考文献    29
附录A 超声波测距电路原理图    30
附录B 程序清单    31
致谢    40
