来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16314386 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314386
摘 要
The paper designs a wireless temperature control system controlled on SCM. It includes two system modules: temperature monitoring system and temperature control system, which uses STC89C52 and MSP430F149 as MCU respectively. The system uses DS18B20 as temperature sensor, the display device is LCD1602 and TFT-LCD, and it makes use of nRF24L01+ as wireless communication module. Users can start or shutdown the system through the control system, the monitoring system can collect and display the current environment temperature, and at the same time the temperature value will be sent to the control system after the initiation of the monitoring system. The temperature control system can receive the temperature value, and users can set the range of temperature control on it. When the collected temperature value does not belong to the interval, the monitoring system will alarm and take the temperature control measures correspondingly. Users using the control system can also make use of the display screen to observe the trend of the change of the temperature.
The temperature control system of the design is equipped with TFT-LCD, which also has touch-screen features. The use of this equipment makes the system easy to operate and be friendly human-computer interaction. The paper introduces the realization of the system from two aspects of the hardware design and software design, and makes a model according to the scheme of design, it has a complete technological design programs.
Key Words:temperature control;SCM;wireless communication;TFT-LCD

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究的目的和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 温度测控技术 2
1.2.2 单片微型计算机技术 2
1.2.3 短距离无线通信技术 3
1.3 课题研究的内容和预期目标 3
第2章 温度监测端的硬件设计 5
2.1 方案论证 5
2.1.1 总体方案设计 5
2.1.2 器件的选择 5
2.2 单元电路设计 9
2.2.1 单片机最小系统设计 9
2.2.2 电源电路设计 12
2.2.3 温度采集电路设计 13
2.2.4 无线通信电路设计 15
2.2.5 温度控制电路设计 17
2.2.6 报警电路设计 18
2.2.7 显示电路设计 18
2.3 总电路设计 20
第3章 温度控制端的硬件设计 23
3.1 方案论证 23
3.1.1 总体方案设计 23
3.1.2 器件的选择 23
3.2 单元电路设计 24
3.2.1 单片机最小系统设计 25
3.2.2 电源电路设计 28
3.2.3 无线通信电路设计 29
3.2.4 显示屏电路设计 30
3.3 总电路设计 32
第4章 系统软件设计 36
4.1 系统总程序设计 36
4.1.1 监测端系统总程序设计 36
4.1.2 控制端系统总程序设计 38
4.2 子程序设计 41
4.2.1 温度采集子程序 41
4.2.2 无线通信子程序 45
4.2.3 TFT屏显示和触控子程序 48
第5章 设计结果分析 50
5.1 实物展示 50
5.2 结果分析 51
第6章 结论 55
参考文献 56
致 谢 57