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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16314401 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314401

摘   要

Brushless DC motor is very very quick develop in last ten years, compared to conventional motor, and it replaces the mechanical commutator brushes electronically, It is very small and control quickly and have a range wide.
This article describes a brushless dc motor STC89C52 control system based on SCM. First introduced the research significance, the development direction of the brushless DC motor, and to elucidate its structure, working principle, control method. Then complete the complaint about the hardware circuit and working principle of the whole system, including single-chip driver circuit, key circuit, display circuit speed, motor drive circuit, overcurrent protection circuit and so on. After the hardware is completed, followed by a part of the system software. Software including run the main flow chart and block diagram of the processes and procedures accordingly proposed, then that is part of the programming software. Finalized by Matlab simulation software simulation of the entire system, The simulation results analysis concluded, to achieve smooth speed brushless DC motor.
Key Words:Brushless DC motor;STC89C52 microcontroller; Matlab simulation


第一章 绪论    1
1.1无刷直流电机的发展    1
1.2无刷直流电机的优越性    1
1.3无刷直流电机的应用    2
1.4无刷直流电动机基本结构    2
1.5无刷直流电动机的工作原理    4
       1.5.1霍尔位置检测器    4
   1.5.2 霍尔无刷直流电机工作原理    6
第二章 无刷直流电动机的硬件设计    7
2.1系统组成    7
2.2 PWM调制技术介绍    8
2.3 单片机的硬件电路    10
2.4 按键电路    11
2.5 速度显示电路    12
    2.6 光耦隔离电路    13
2.7 功率变换电路的设计    13
2.7.1 功率管的选用    13
2.7.2功率管驱动电路设计    13
2.8 电动机换相    14
2.8.1电动机的换相原理    14
2.8.2电动机的正反转换相    15
2.9过流保护电路的设计    16
第三章  系统软件设计    18
3.1 软件系统概述    18
3.2 系统程序总体设计    18
3.3 软件流程图与部分代码    18
第四章  无刷直流电机速度控制与仿真    26
4.1 Matlab介绍    26
4.2 仿真电路图    26
4.3 系统的仿真、仿真结果的输出及结果分析    27
4.3.1起动,阶跃负载仿真    27
4.3.2可逆调速仿真    30
结束语    32
参考文献    33
致谢    34
附录A 系统原理总图1    35
附录B 系统原理总图2    36
附录C 仿真原理图    37
附录D 系统软件代码    38
