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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16314413 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314413

The upsurge of "sharing single car" has brought about the phenomenon of road congestion caused by the cycling of bicycles. This paper designs the control system of the single car intelligent parking robot to solve this problem, in order to meet the control requirements of the robot in realizing various functional requirements.
Functions of the intelligent vehicle parking robot are analyzed in this paper firstly, then the overall design of the control scheme is designed. Then the hardware circuit is designed, in which the AT89C52 MCU is used as the main control chip.It also has an IO extension module, which adopts the programmable parallel I/O port 8255A and the latch 74HC164 to extend I0, a DC motor drive circuit module, a step motor actuator module, a LCD1602 display module, a HC-SR04 ultrasonic module, a infrared light module andother circuit modules, such as electric sensing circuit module, power module, interface module, visual sensor A/D conversion module, and other peripheral circuit modules to achieve functional requirements.
The single car intelligent parking robot uses the tracing method to navigate, so motion control is very important in the process of mobile. By studying the PID control algorithm, it is applied to PWM speed regulation of motor. By setting up the mathematical model of the motor and setting the parameters, the parameters of the PID are determined, and the Simulink simulation verification is applied to the subsequent development of the control program.
Finally, we have completed the development of the control program for single car intelligent parking robot. Through the process design algorithm of actual work, the functions of PWM speed regulation, infrared photoelectric sensor trace, ultrasonic receiving and sending, current state of LCD display, robot grasping and so on are realized.The simulation proves that the control system of intelligent vehicle parking robot can meet the requirements of robot parking automatically.
Keywords: PWM speed control; PID control; multi sensor; control system


第1章 绪论    1
1.1 国内外发展现状    1
1.2 轮式移动机器人关键技术    1
1.2.1 优化结构设计    2
1.2.2 多传感器信息融合    2
1.2.3 导航与定位技术    2
1.2.4路径规划    3
1.3 课题研究目的与意义    3
1.4 课题研究主要内容    3
第2章 单车智能泊车机器人控制系统方案设计    5
2.1功能需求分析及实现思路    5
2.2主控芯片选型    5
2.3传感器选型    6
2.3.1 红外光电传感器    6
2.3.2 超声波传感器    7
2.3.3 视觉传感器    7
2.3.4 编码器    8
第3章 单车智能泊车机器人控制系统硬件电路设计    9
3.1 MCU及IO口扩展电路    9
3.1.1 8255A扩展    9
3.1.2 74HC164扩展    9
3.1.3 MCU及扩展电路    10
3.2 驱动电路设计    10
3.2.1 电机选型    10
3.3.2 驱动器选型    12
3.3.3 驱动电路    13
3.3传感器电路设计    13
3.3.1红外光电传感器电路    13
3.3.2图像传感器电路    14
3.4 电源及其他外围电路设计    15
3.4.1电源电路设计    15
3.4.2其他外围电路设计    15
3.5 通信模块设计    16
3.5.1蓝牙模块    16
3.5.2预留通信接口    17
第4章 单车智能泊车机器人运动控制算法研究    19
4.1 PID运动控制算法    19
4.2 位置式和增量式PID算法    19
4.3 建模与仿真    20
4.4 PID参数整定    22
4.4.1动态特性参数法整定PID参数——基于Z-N整定公式    22
4.4.2衰减比例法整定PID参数    24
4.4.3试凑法整定PID参数    24
第5章 单车智能泊车机器人控制系统软件设计    26
5.1 控制系统软件总体方案设计    26
5.2 主程序    27
5.2.1 等待接受命令循环    27
5.2.2 初始化设置过程    28
5.2.3 寻迹过程循环    29
5.3 任务子程序    31
5.3.1 PWM调速程序    31
5.3.1超声波发送接收程序    32
5.3.3 LCD1602显示子程序    32
5.3.4 PID算法实现程序    33
5.3.5 抓取程序    33
5.4 中断服务程序    34
5.5仿真与调试    35
5.1 PWM调速    35
5.5.2显示    36
5.5.3 PID算法仿真    37
5.5.4寻迹程序仿真    37
第6章 总结    39
参考文献    40
附录A    44
致谢    65
