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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16314455 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314455

Construction of Intelligent Environment Control System for Large Poultry Breeding Base Based on Microcontroller
Abstract:This paper presents a control technology based on STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer, which is applied to the construction of intelligent environment control system for large poultry breeding bases. The temperature and humidity and carbon dioxide concentration in the breeding base are collected by the temperature and humidity sensor DHT11 and the carbon dioxide sensor MH-Z19B, and the corresponding alarm value is set and the fan and the heating sheet is driven to control these environmental factors to provide a suitable environment for the poultry to grow. These three environmental parameters are displayed on the LCD12864 screen and transmitted through the WiFi module ESP8266, received by the host computer program, and displayed on the computer.
Key words:Sensor; single chip microcomputer; environmental control


 目 录
1绪论    4
1.1项目研究背景及意义    4
2方案初步设计    4
3模块介绍及硬件单元电路设计    5
    3.1单片机系统    5
        3.1.1单片机概要    5
        3.1.2本系统单片机介绍    7
    3.2电源模块    8
    3.3传感器模块    8
        3.3.1温湿度传感器模块    8
        3.3.2二氧化碳传感器模块    9
    3.4  WiFi模块    11
    3.5  LCD显示模块    12
        3.5.1 LCD显示模块介绍    12
        3.5.2字模工具Zimo21操作简介    14
    3.6按键、继电器等其他模块    15
        3.6.1按键模块    15
        3.6.2继电器模块    15
        3.6.3报警模块    17
4程序设计    18
     4.1 主流程图    18
     4.2 C程序设计    19
5硬件的调试与焊接    19
5.1元件清单    19
      5.2调试与焊接    20
6程序烧录    20
      6.1 hex文件的生成    21
      6.2程序的烧录    21
7上位机程序的生成    22
8实物效果以及上位机程序显示    23
9总结    24
10参考文献    25
