来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16314467 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314467
Design of meteorological data collection system based on single chip microcomputer
Abstract:The collection of meteorological parameters plays a decisive role in meteorological forecast and social life.The design based on MSP430 single-chip meteorological data collection,, including the main control module, sensor module, display module and power supply module. The sensor module is used to collect the weather information (mainly the humiture data) by the temperature and humidity sensors and air pressure sensors. Moreover, the software design uses C language programming.During the operation, the sensor will transmit thecollected information to the MSP430 control system, and then the data will be displayed on the LCD screen via control system. In the end, we can easily get the required weather parameters.
Key words:Meteorological data acquisition、MSP430、Data display
摘要 4
Abstract 5
1 引言 6
1.1设计的意义和目的 6
1.2 国内外研究现状 6
1.3研究内容 6
2 系统设计方案 7
3 硬件设计 7
3.1 MSP430单片机 7
3.2 温湿度测量模块 9
3.3 气压测量模块 10
3.4 液晶显示电路 11
3.5 键盘电路 11
3.6 电源电路 12
3.7 系统总体电路图 12
4 软件设计 13
4.1主程序设计 13
4.2 温湿度采集模块 14
4.3 气压采集模块 16
5 系统调试 18
5.1 硬件调试 18
5.2 软件调试 19
6 总结 19
参考文献 21
致谢 22 |