来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16314471 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314471
A pulse measuring instrument based on STM32
Abstract:Pulse, as one of the parameters reflecting the important physiological information of human body, has become an indispensable part of modern medicine. This paper introduces a pulse measuring instrument based on STM32F103 core board and Bluetooth technology. The measuring instrument adopts the photoelectric sensor to realize the acquisition of the pulse signal, after the pulse signal processing, the data is displayed on the LCD1602.A mobile APP compiled by the easy for android development platform can easily realize the bluetooth transmission of the pulse signal and the subsequent data display and record, achieve one-button, automated pulse measurement. Compared with the traditional pulse measurement system, this measurement system is more concise and convenient, which meets the needs of daily self-examination. Moreover, it is low-cost, accurate and easy to record.
Key words:bluetoothtransmission;photoelectric sensor;STM32F103;easy for Android

1.绪论 1
1.1脉搏测量研究背景及研究意义 1
1.2脉搏测量的研究现状 1
2.系统基本原理概述与方案设计 2
2.1基本原理 2
2.1.1脉搏信号形成机理 2
2.1.2脉搏信号检测原理 3
2.1.3系统工作原理与流程图 3
2.2主控单片机模块设计方案 4
2.3脉搏信号拾取及处理模块设计方案 5
2.4显示模块设计方案 5
2.5数据传输模块设计方案 5
2.6脉搏测量仪主要技术指标 6
3.硬件系统设计 6
3.1主控单片机系统 6
3.1.1单片机系统 6
3.1.2 STM32系列单片机核心板 7
3.2脉搏信号采集与处理模块 8
3.2屏幕显示模块 11
3.3相关噪声处理 12
3.3.1信号噪声干扰 12
3.3.2工频干扰消除 13
3.3.3基线漂移 13
3.4信号发送与分析模块 13
4.软件系统设计 15
4.1 开发环境搭建 15
4.2 各模块控制程序设计 15
4.3易安卓平台APP开发 16
4.3.1 界面布置 16
4.3.2 添加蓝牙 17
5.系统整体性测试 19
6.结果与数据分析 21
6.1测量结果 21
6.2误差分析 22
7.总结与展望 23
7.1总结 23
7.2展望 23
参考文献 24
致谢 25
附录1 脉搏测量系统整体电路图 26
附录2 STM32主程序代码 26