来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK16314475 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314475
Design of Hyperchaotic Liu Circuit Based on STM32 MCU
Abstract:In some deterministic nonlinear systems, there is no need to add any stochastic factors. The stochastic phenomena caused by the non-linear interaction within the system are called chaos.Chaotic systems can be used in many fields such as non-linear circuits, secure communications, lasers and so on,to increase the complexity of the system,this will increase the security of information.In this paper, hyperchaos in nonlinear dynamics is studied and analyzed, A new hyperchaotic Liu circuit system based on chaotic Liu circuit system is constructed,The new hyperchaotic Liu circuit system is realized by STM32 MCU. In the discussion of this article,Emphasis will be placed on the analysis and comparison of relevant data in hyperchaotic Liu circuit system,by adjusting the parameters, the diagrams of the system changing with the parameters are drawn. The dynamic behavior of hyperchaotic system is analyzed and studied according to the actual data. Single-chip Microcomputer Generates Chaotic Signal in Digital Form,The digital chaotic signal produced by single chip computer is induced to analog signal by D/A converter. This study can provide a feasible scheme for other hyperchaotic systems,it lays a theoretical foundation for future practical application.
Key words:Chaos phenomenon; STM32 MCU; D/A converter;Hyperchaoticsystem

1绪论 1
1.1混沌学的发展历史 1
1.2混沌电子电路的发展及研究现状 1
1.3研究背景及其意义 2
2混沌理论基础 4
2.1混沌的概念及特征 4
2.1.1混沌的定义 4
2.1.2 混沌的相关概念 4
2.1.3 超混沌 5
2.1.4 混沌的特征 5
2.2混沌系统的判断依据及研究方法 6
2.2.1 直接观察法 6
2.2.2 Poincare截面法 6
2.2.3 自功率谱密度分析方法 6
2.2.4 Lyapunov指数法 6
3超混沌Liu系统 8
3.1超混沌Liu系统的模型 8
3.2超混沌Liu系统的动力学分析 8
3.2.1 系统的耗散性的分析 8
3.2.1 系统的稳定点的分析 9
3.2.2 系统的数值分析 9
4电路设计 17
4.1超混沌Liu系统的离散化 17
4.2STM32单片机的最小系统 18
4.2.1 电源电路 18
4.2.2 时钟电路 19
4.2.3 BOOT启动电路 19
4.2.4 调试接口电路 20
4.2.5 复位电路 20
4.3可编程双路12位数模转换器TLC5618 20
4.3.1 模块特点 20
4.3.2 管脚说明 21
4.4超混沌Liu系统电路设计 21
4.5软件设计思路 22
4.6实验结果 22
5总结与展望 26
参考文献: 27
致谢 29