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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16314484 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314484


Bluetooth Curtain Control System Based on MSP430 MCU
Abstract:At present, each family generally uses the curtains or artificial behavior control its switch state, dull not intelligent, inconvenient, not fast. With the development of science and technology and the upgrading of information technology, more and more home system to the intelligent, home system and science and technology effectively combined to make people's lives more convenient and quick. Therefore, intelligent curtains are more and more people need. This system designed the MSP430 single-chip based on the Bluetooth curtain control system can simply achieve the curtain control intelligent, the system by the MSP430, HC-05 Bluetooth chip, DS1302 clock chip, 1602 liquid crystal display, photoresistor, timer switch, ULN2003 drive circuit , Stepper motor and other equipment, the use of stepper motor simulation curtains, the phone Bluetooth APP and home curtains together, based on MSP430, through the program to make the phone Bluetooth open, stop, off three function keys to effectively control the curtain switch , You can also use the timer switch to control the state of the curtain, you can also use the light intensity to control the curtain of the automatic switch. The design of small size, high integration accuracy, low power consumption, to achieve intelligent curtains of great significance, simplifying our daily life, to achieve "lazy" life status, so that people's family life more intelligent, fast, comfortable.
Key words:MSP430 ; Intelligent curtains; Bluetooth; DS1302; Timer switch


目 录
摘要    Ⅰ
Abstract    Ⅱ
1绪论    1
1.1研究意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状    1
1.3本课题主要研究内容    1
2系统设计方案    2
2.1系统总体设计的思路    2
2.2 智能窗帘的工作原理和结构    3
2.2.1 智能窗帘的工作原理图    3
2.2.2智能窗帘的结构    4
2.3 MSP430单片机选择依据    4
2.4 LCD1602显示模块选择依据    5
2.5蓝牙模块选择依据    5
3系统硬件设计    5
3.1 MSP430控制模块    5
3.1.1 MSP430单片机介绍    5
3.1.2 MSP430系列单片机的基本功能    6
3.1.3 MSP430系列单片机的结构图    6
3.1.4 MSP430单片机的最小系统    7
3.2电源模块    9
3.3显示模块    9
3.3.1 1602芯片的简述    8
3.3.2 1602的引脚功能    9
3.3.3 1602液晶显示原理图    9
3.4蓝牙模块    11
3.4.1蓝牙技术的简介    11
3.4.2蓝牙模块与MSP430的连接    11
3.5时钟模块    12
3.5.1 DS1302的功能及结构    11
3.5.2 DS1302时钟芯片原理图    12
3.6光敏检测模块    13
3.6.1 光敏二极管的原理    13
3.6.2 光敏检测电路图    14
3.7 LED模块    14
3.8按键模块    15
3.9步进电机模块    16
3.9.1 ULN2003简介    15
3.9.2步进电机与单片机连接原理图    15
4系统的软件设计    18
4.1软件开发环境的介绍    19
4.2程序设计流程图    19
4.3蓝牙模块设计流程图    19
4.4定时模块设计流程图    20
5调试及检测    21
5.1硬件整体的调试    21
5.2实物的调试结果    22
5.3蓝牙传输距离测试    23
5.4调试问题及解决方法    24
6总结与展望    24
参考文献:    25
致谢    27
