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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16314542 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314542

摘  要

关键词: STC89C52单片机  光敏晶体管  红外光电开关   L298N    E18-D50NK

Fire fighting robot hardware design based on single chip microcomputer
In this paper, the design model for the design of a microcontroller-based fire-fighting robot. System to STC89C52RC microcontroller for control core, innovation homemade flame sensor is used to measure the source of fire, use infrared receiverdiode to detect the roadblock.
The system use six innovation homemade flame sensors which consist of five remote Infrared receiverdiodes and one close Infrared receiverdiode to measure the source of fire,which compare other measurements with high precision, simple structure, reliable performance characteristics. Obstacle avoidance uses the E18 - D50NK models of photoelectric sensor, the sensor has a long detection distance, small interference by visible light, the price is cheap, easy to assemble and convenient use, etc. This design is based on digital integrated circuit technology and single-chip microcomputer technology as the core, according to the sensor signal to microcontroller processing all kinds of instructions.
The experimental results show that the design of low cost, high reliability, fire fast, easy installation features, very suitable for large fire risk coefficient, has a good application prospect.

Keywords: STC89C52 microcontroller; photosensitive transistor; infrared photoelectric       switch; L298N; E18-D50NK
目  录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 引言    1
1.1 课题的开发背景    1
1.2 课题的研究现状    1
1.3课题研究的意义    2
1.4课题任务    2
第二章 系统基本原理与总体方案设计    3
2.1 灭火机器人的基本原理    3
2.2 灭火机器人的整体设计    3
2.3 灭火机器人模型的测量方案    4
2.3.1 避障模块    4
2.3.2 火焰检测方案    5
第三章 系统硬件电路设计    8
3.1 控制电路    8
3.1.1 电机控制电路    8
3.1.2 灭火驱动电路    9
3.2 火焰检测电路    11
3.3避障模块    13
3.4 直流电源设计    15
3.5 单片机系统    15
3.5.1 单片机选型    15
3.5.2 单片机晶振电路和复位电路    18
第四章 系统调试    20
4.1 硬件调试    20
4.2 软件调试    20
4.3避障的实现    21
4.4 寻找火源的实现    21
4.5 遇到的问题    22
4.6 实验现象与结果分析    22
4.7 本章小结    26
4.8 实物展示    27
参考文献    30
致谢    31
附录    32
