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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16314550 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16314550

摘 要
关键词:单片机  AVR   报警  红外  AD
Avr microcontroller based on infrared sensor baby pedal by the alarm system
This paper mainly expounds the system that it is realized by using the AVR microcontroller as the core to control the baby quilt-kicking alarm. It is loaded program into the MCU via ISP. It is collected the infrared data of body through infrared sensors with 5V power.  Then it is transformed the data into the MCU identifiable by 10 AD AVR in the MCU. Comparing the data which reading out with the settings whether it alarms or not.. Finally, the system realizes the functions that collecting the data, displaying , alarming with the modular design.
    Key words: single chip microcomputer   AVR  kicked alarm  human body infrared  AD


摘 要    I
Abstract    II
第一章    绪论    9
1.1引言    9
1.2国内外发展现状    9
1.3设计内容    10
第二章 硬件电路的设计    12
2.1系统的总体结构框图    12
2.2单片机最小系统设计    12
2.2.1 AVR单片机    13
2.2.2复位电路    16
2.2.3 时钟电路    16
2.2.4 电源电路    17
2.3报警电路    17
2.4按键电路    18
2.5红外感应电路    18
2.6 led显示电路    19
2.7 系统连接图    20
第三章 软件设计    16
3.1 软件开发工具的选择    16
3.2 软件实现方法    16
3.2.1 主程序    16
3.2.2 按键模块    17
3.2.3 人体红外模块    18
3.2.4 LED 显示模块    19
第四章 系统实际应用与总结    30
4.1实际应用    30
4.1.1软件的下载    30
4.1.2 开机状态    31
4.1.3 报警状态    31
4.2 总结    33
致谢    31
参考文献    32
附录    33
