出租车计价器的设计(附电路图,原理图,CAD和PCB图)☆ (21000字)
摘 要
关键词:出租车;计价器;单片机;AT89S52 A44E;硬件;软件
As the taxi industry, taxi is already an important part of urban transportation, domestic taxi meter has gone through four stages of development. From the traditional all-mechanical components consisting of mechanical, to semi-electronic or electronic circuits in place of some mechanical components of the taxi meter; again from the integrated circuit type to the current MCU system design taxi meter. Taxi meter billing is accurate, taxi drivers are speeding passengers are most concerned about is the problem, and the meter data management operation convenience is the taxi drivers are most concerned about. So how to design a mechanism that could effectively prevent fraud and speeding drivers, drivers can easily meter is particularly important. Good performance of the meter on the taxi drivers and passengers are very necessary. The analog circuit and digital circuit design the whole circuit meter large, multi-use devices, resulting in high failure rate, difficult to debug. The use of microcontroller design, relatively powerful, with less hardware and appropriate software complement each other can easily meet the design requirements, and flexibility, can be programmed by software to accomplish more additional features. This design uses AT89S52 microcontroller-based controller to A44E Hall sensor distance, and power-down by AT24C02 to achieve the time saved in the system unit and other information. The meter can achieve mileage pricing and display, data storage and query, the clock display , speeding reminder, voice broadcast and notes printing. Than the market, some of the meter easier to use, more full, the driver also has to effectively prevent fraud and system stability good advantage. One of the speeding alerts to remind drivers and passengers, to warn drivers not speeding to avoid traffic accidents.
Keywords: Taxi; Meter;Scm; AT89S52 A44E; Hardware; Software
出租车计价器根据乘客乘坐汽车行驶距离和等候时间的多少进行计价,并在行程中同步显示车费值。从起步价开始,当汽车程行驶未满3 公里时,均按起步价计算。过3 公里后,实现每1 公里单价收费,中间遇暂停时,计程数不再增加,开始计时收费,测距收费和测时收费的和便构成了一位乘客的车费。同时,白天和夜晚价格不同,可以进行切换。白天单价、夜晚单价、等待单价和起步价格都可通过独立键盘进行调节。(默认起步价为5 元/3 公里,里程单价白天为1.5 元/公里,夜晚为1.8 元/公里,等待计时单价为0.5 元/5 分钟)
第2.2节 基本原理
由于计价器的工作环境比较差,它要求有抗振动、抗高低温、抗潮湿、抗电磁干扰等能力,特别是电源方面的干扰,如出租车启动时,发动机打火、电瓶充电等造成输入计价器的+12 V电源不稳定。因此采用+l2 v电瓶电源经过滤波和电源稳压管理芯片7805后得到+5 V的稳定电压输出,保证整个系统能够正常工作。
