来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635298 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635298
摘 要:本文提出一个看法──在将中文旅游宣传资料翻译成英文时,应把它们视为跨文化交际行为,考虑其跨文化的因素并从跨文化的角度进行语际转换。跨文化交际是不同文化背景之间人们进行的交际。研究跨文化交际的目的是洞察交际障碍与文化冲突的原因,探讨解决跨文化交际中出现的问题的有效方 法。在翻译实践中,译者必须研究旅游英语的语言特点,考虑两个主要因素,即文化因素和文体因素,还要不断积累中文和英文的语言文化知识。将翻译技巧与跨文化意识相结合应是译者的一种基本技能。因此,在跨文化交际的框架内进行旅游英语翻译具有重大的实践意义。
On Translation of English for Tourism from a Cross-Cultural Perspective
Abstract: This paper attempts to put forward a notion that translation of English For Tourism should be done from a cross-cultural perspective, followed by the feasibility of this translation approach from two macroangles-theoretical point of view and practical point of view. Study of intercultural communication tries to solve the problems arising in communication between people of various cultural backgrounds by probing into the causes of communicative barriers and cultural conflicts and into the effective ways of avoiding communicative breakdowns. In order to get satisfactory results in translation of English For Tourism, the translator should study the language features of English For Tourism, take the most important factors, namely, cultural factors and stylistic factors into account and accumulate profound knowledge of source language culture and target language culture that will certainly contribute to translating English For Tourism in a cross-cultural perspective. A combination of translation techniques with cross-cultural awareness becomes an essential qualification to evaluate and assess a translator’s ability. Therefore, translation of English For Tourism done within an intercultural communication is of great practical significance.
Key words: translation;English For Tourism;cross-cultural communication or intercultural communication;feasibility;cultural factor;stylistic factor