来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1636207 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1636207
摘 要
Modern Management Accounting's Recent Development
Since a century, management accounting's formation and the development may divide into three continual stages, after namely tradition management accounting stage, modern management accounting stage, modern management accounting stage. Although has yielded the certain result in these three stages to management accounting's research, but the relative financial inventory accounting's research said, management accounting's research to have the aspect which bogged down. Since from the the end of 1980s, US'S Johnson and Professor Kaplan two have published "Relevance To vanish Prosperity and decline Management accounting's", management accounting to study faces has come from various aspects challenge and scolded. Various countries' accountant the educational world publishes the paper and the monograph in abundance studies to tradition management accounting gives the criticism, like England chartered accountant the association promotes "Management accounting successively Development But Non- Revolution", "Management accounting Development Direction", our country accountant the scholar also in abundance published the article in recent years, the present situation and the development direction carried on reconsidering and the discussion to our country management accounting. But this article is the progress and the innovation which obtains in each stage embarks from management accounting, carries on the summary and the summary to the modern management accounting's recent development characteristic and its the development tendency.
Key words: Modern management accounting, Product life cycle cost, Target cost law
目 录 19000字
1 绪论 1
2 管理会计的涵义 4
3 管理会计的发展阶段 5
3.1 传统管理会计阶段 5
3.2 现代管理会计阶段 5
3.3 后现代管理会计阶段 5
4 现代管理会计取得的进展 6
5 现代管理会计的主要特点 8
5.1 研究的内容对内深化与向外扩展并举 8
5.1.1 战略管理会计是一个新领域 8
5.1.2 产品生命周期成本计算 9
5.1.3 目标成本法 10
5.2 应用的指标从滞后性向前导性转变 12
5.3 计量方式货币性与非货币性相结合 15
5.4 学科的性质更趋多学科化 16
结论 17
致谢 18
参考文献 19
附录 20 |