来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1636301 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1636301
摘 要:本文以三一重工集团有限公司为研究对象,对三一重工集团有限公司2008~2010年的财务报表进行财务分析,根据报表提供的信息进行财务比率分析和综合分析,并通过分析的结果对三一重工集团提出相关的改进措施。本文主要运用水平分析、垂直分析和比较分析法等各种财务分析方法,仔细分析了各项财务指标,深入研究了三一重工集团有限公司的财务状况,并发掘出公司经营的主要问题。希望能为三一重工集团有限公司的经营管理提供一些合理实用的参考意见、加强公司的财务管理,改善公司的经营状况、促进公司快速稳定的发展。
The Financial Statements Analysis of Sany Heavy Group Company
Abstract:In this paper, the financial statements of Sany Heavy Industry Group Co. Ltd from 2008 to 2010 is analyzed, combined with its operation of its comprehensive evaluation. In the past few years, the operating conditions of Sany Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd. is relatively stable. In 2008 ~ 2010, it has been the trend of growth in the use of a comparative analysis of this paper, and so a variety of financial analysis, careful analysis of various financial indicators, in-depth study of the Sany Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd. of the financial situation, complicated operation unearthed the main issues behind the company's financial management system. I hope that Sany Group Co., Ltd. for the operation and management to provide some reasonable and practical advice to strengthen the company's financial management, improve the company's operating condition, the promotion of rapid and steady development..
Key words: Sany Heavy Group Company;Financial analysis; Financial ratios; The DuPont System