来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1636280 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1636280
摘 要:2007年上市公司开始实行新会计准则,它的制定理念,会计目标,计量属性等发生了变化。利润作为企业经营业绩的一个产品,进行利润质量分析对引导资本流动和资源配置,投资者的投资决策,稳定资本市场,提高公众投资者对会计行业的信心等都有着重要意义,它进一步发展了会计理论,完善了财务分析体系。
The Analysis of Profits Quality under the Context of Accounting Standards about Agricultural Listed Companies
Abstract:Since 2007, quoted company have started use new accounting standard, which has been changed in ideal, accounting target, and measurement attributes. It is very important that profit to be the corporation’s product, which has analysed the profit influence capital flows and resource allocation; investors’ decision; stabilize the capital market and increase confidence of public investors. Additionally, the new accounting standard has developed accounting method, and completed the finance systems.
This article has analysed domestic and international research, then combined new corporation accounting standard; also depends on Chinese agriculture, basic on finance report; design the analyses of the quality of accounting index, which is the ability of increase profit, management quality, the ability of payoff, and the constancy of payoff. The factor analyses have been used also showed the practice of profit quality and analysed the influence of profit quality.
Key words: The new accounting standards; Agriculture listed company; Profit quality; Factor analysis methods