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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1636304 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1636304

摘  要:时间竞争在经济活动中无处不在。本文以时间竞争为基础,结合国内外学者在这个问题上的研究成果,重点论述了在时间竞争条件下企业成本管理的相关问题,包括:时间竞争理论、传统管理方法下的企业成本管理、基于时间竞争条件下企业成本管理问题、引起这些问题的因素和解决问题的对策,以及在时间竞争条件下企业成本管理的实践含义。

Research on Problems And Countermeasures of Enterprise Cost Management Under A Time-based Competition
Abstract: Time-based competition is being in economic activities everywhere. On the base of time-based competition, by combining the domestic and overseas scholars in this question research achievements, this paper puts the emphasis on related issues about enterprise cost management under time-based competition, including time-based competition theory, enterprise cost management under traditional management, the problems of enterprise cost management under time-based competition, the reasons and countermeasures of these problems. And the practical meaning of enterprise cost management under time-based competition.
Key words: Time-based competition; Time cost; Enterprise cost management 
