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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1636570 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1636570

摘  要:本文结合我国主要存在的国有产权和私有产权两种制度,将我国的企业分为国有企业和民营企业,再分别分析国有主权控制模式下和民营主权控制模式下企业的 融资行为特点。通过分析发现国有企业存在明显的股权融资偏好,并且由于内部人控制,出现了“一股独大”的现象,民营企业由于我国经济发展的局限和市场的不 够成熟等原因,导致融资困难。最后,基于产权模式对于国有企业股权融资偏好问题,提出做好股权融资的监督管理工作,鼓励债务融资的对策,并对国有企业“一 股独大”现象提出治理对策;对于民营企业债权融资偏好,提出引进机构投资者,优化债权结构,并完善企业内外部环境,来解决民营企业融资难的问题。

Study on the Influence of Control Mode of Ultimate Ownership on
Abstract:In this paper, the existence of China's major state-owned property and private property rights the two systems will be divided into state-owned enterprises in China's enterprises and private enterprises, and then were under the control mode of state-owned sovereign and private enterprises under the sovereign control of the financing mode of behavior characteristics. The analysis shows that state-owned enterprises obvious preference for equity financing, and because of internal control, a "dominance"phenomenon, private enterprises as the limitations of China's economic development and the market is not mature enough and other reasons, led to financing difficulties. Finally, property rights model for the problem of financing preference shares of state-owned enterprises, equity financing is proposed to do the supervision and management measures to encourage debt financing, and state-owned enterprises "dominance"phenomenon proposed countermeasures; debt financing for private enterprises Preferences, proposed the introduction of institutional investors, optimize debt structure, and improve internal and external environment, to solve the difficult problem of financing of private enterprises.
Key words:Ultimate Ownership; Financing; state-owned enterprises; private enterprises; debt structure

目    录  
摘要    1
关键词    1
一、前言    2
(一)研究背景和研究意义    2
(二)国内外研究现状    2
1、国外研究现状    2
2、国内研究现状    3
3、国内外研究现状述评    4
二、终极产权的内涵及类型分析    5
(一)终极产权的内涵    5
(二)终极产权的类型    5
1、国有企业的含义和特点    5
2、民营企业的含义和特点    6
三、不同终极产权控制模式下对企业融资行为的影响    7
(一)国有主权控制下企业融资行为的特点    7
(二)国有主权控制下企业融资行为存在的问题    8
1、轻债权、重股权融资,股权融资偏好明显    8
2、内部人控制,出现“一股独大”的现象    8
(三)民营主权控制下企业融资行为的特点    9
(四)民营主权控制下企业融资行为存在的问题    10
1、轻股权、重债权融资,短期债权融资偏好明显    10
2、企业融资难,融资渠道不畅    10
四、基于终极产权模式改革,优化企业融资行为的对策    11
(一) 优化国有产权模式下企业的融资行为对策    11
1、做好公司股权融资的各种配套服务与监管工作,并鼓励债务融资    11
2、优化股权结构,杜绝“一股独大”现象    12
(二)优化民营产权模式下企业的融资行为对策    13
1、引进机构投资者,优化债权结构    13
2、完善企业内外部环境,解决企业融资难的问题    14
五、结束语    15
参考文献    15
致  谢    16
