来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1637360 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1637360
摘 要:本文以我国中小板上市公司为研究对象,采用定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法,从基础指标中确定了7个指标作为模型指标(自变量)以这些样本企业发生财务失败前一年和前两年的数据资料作为基础,建立我国中小板上市公司的Logistic模型。最后本文选取了52家中小板上市公司,利用发生财务失败的前一年的Logistic模型对其进行财务预警。该模型的回归结果显示:在企业发生财务失败的前一年,Logistic模型回归准确率为78.82%;在企业发生财务失败的前两年,Logistic模型回归准确率为65.28%。
Index and construction of Financial failure alerting system for Small and Medium-sized listed companies
Abstract:Setting a study object of small and medium-sized board companies in our country, this essay combines the methods of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, defines seven indexes as the model indexes (independent variable) from the basic ones. Based on the data materials of these enterprises, which come from one year and two year before the financial crisis happened, it builds a Logistic model of these small and medium-sized board companies. In the end, the paper selects 52 small and medium-sized companies and uses the Logistic model of the one year before the financial crisis to make early warning of finance.According to the model regression result, it is said that in the one year before the enterprises’ financial crisis, the regression accuracy rate of the Logistic model is 78.82 percent, and in the two year before, the rate is 65.28 percent.
Key words:small plate; listed companies; financial failure; financial target;
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
一、选题研究意义 2
二、国内外研究现状 2
(一)国外研究现状 2
(二)国内研究现状 3
(三)综合评述 6
三、研究设计 6
(一)样本的选取 6
(二)数据的来源 8
(三)模型自变量的选取 8
四、实证分析 10
(一)原始数据的处理 10
(二)均值与方差分析 10
(三)T检验分析与相关分析 11
(四)模型的建立 13
1、Logistic回归模型原理 13
2、财务预警模型的建立 14
(五)模型检验 15
五、中小板上市公司财务预警指标体系 17
参考文献 17
致 谢 18
附录 18 |