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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1639578 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1639578

摘  要:20世纪九十年代中期以来,随着经济全球化和信息全球化的迅速发展,全球跨国并购掀起了新的高潮,成为世界经济中令人瞩目的重要角色。无论跨国并购的最初动因是为了节约交易费用、获取资源优势还是扩大市场势力、实现协同效应,其最终目的都是为了通过这一活动增强国际竞争实力、创造新增价值。在整个并购过程中,整合效果的好坏不仅直接关系到跨国并购的成败,甚至危及到企业今后的生存。而不同文化的整合是并购之后整个最关键的因素,本文针对所选取的跨国并购案例,分析了跨国并购当中文化整合的重点内容。
Study On Intergration Efficiency In Cross---Border Mergers And Acquicitoin
—Basic On The Vision Of Calture Intergration
Abstract:since the middle of 90's of 20th century, with the globalization of economy and the rapid development of information globalization, transnational m&a raises a new global upsurge in the world economy, become the important role of remarkable. Regardless of transnational m&a first motive is to save the transaction cost, obtain resources advantage or expand market forces, realizing synergies, its ultimate aim is to through this activity enhanced international competition strength, create new value. In the process of the merger of integrated effect not only directly related to the success or failure of transnational m&a, even endanger the enterprise future existence. Different cultures in the most critical after merger, aiming at the selection of transnational m&a cases, analyses of transnational m&a cultural integration and the key content and procedures.
Keywords:Cross-border Mergers and Aquicition;Cases Analysis;Intergration Efficiency ; Culture Intergration

目    录
摘要    1
关键词    1
一、绪论    2
(一)研究目的和意义    2
(二)国内外研究动态    2
1国外研究现状    2
2国内研究现状    3
(三)研究的思路和方法    6
二、跨国并购及其整合概述    6
(一)跨国并购概述    6
1跨国并购的定义    6
2跨国并购的发展    6
(二)跨国并购整合概述    7
1跨国并购整合的内容    7
2跨国并购整合的重点和难点    7
3并购失败的原因    7
三、上汽集团并购韩国双龙汽车案例分析    8
(一)并购动因    8
(二)并购的整合效率分析    8
1并购后的营运能力分析    8
2并购后的盈利能力分析    9
3发展能力比较分析    9
4小结    10
(三)影响上汽收购双龙整合效率的原因分析    10
1中国与韩国的价值观念差异    10
2管理上的差异    10
(四)上汽并购双龙案失败带来启示    11
四、结束语    12
参考文献    12
致谢    13
