来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635044 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635044
摘 要:低碳房地产成为低碳产业的一个突破口,长沙发展低碳房地产面临着众多障碍与困难,目前长沙低碳房行业发展迅速,但是整个长沙低碳房产业规模仍然很小,低碳标准的缺乏,人们低碳认识的不足以及房地产商的观望和低碳技术不高等问题仍然存在,对此建议相关部门及时制定相关低碳标准、通过宣传提高人们低碳认识、出台鼓励低碳房产建设的政策、抑制投机和投资性购房。
Carbon Dynamics of Real Estate in Changsha
Abstract: Exhibitions of real estate industry to become carbon, a breakthrough low-carbon housing development in Changsha many obstacles and difficulties facing the current low-carbon housing industry is developing rapidly in Changsha, Changsha, but the low-carbon housing industry is still small, low-carbon standard The lack of awareness of people's lack of low-carbon and real estate business in the drift and low-carbon technologies is still not high, which suggested that the relevant departments in a timely manner the development of relevant low-carbon standards, low carbon awareness through advocacy to raise awareness, encourage the introduction of low carbon housing building policy to curb speculative and investment buying.
Key words: low carbon housing; low carbon buildings; low-carbon standards; energy saving;Changsha;

目 录
摘 要 1
关键词 1
一、长沙市发展低碳房地产的意义 2
(一)地产低碳的成败关系到长沙低碳经济的成败 2
(二)低碳房地产有助于平衡长沙房价的波动 2
(三)低碳房地产的市场潜力巨大 2
(四)发展低碳房地产有利于改善温室效应 2
二、长沙低碳房地产发展现状分析 2
(一)低碳概念广受业界推崇 2
(二)低碳房发展势头良好 2
(三)低碳住宅开发规模还处于初步阶段 2
(四)精装房低碳房比例仍较少 2
(五)现有的建筑物寿命较短 2
三、长沙低碳房地产目前存在的问题 2
(一)低碳评价相关的标准及技术规范空白 2
(二)消费者对低碳房地产概念仍存在较多误区 2
(三)开发商有意无意模糊低碳概念 2
(四)低碳房地产供给动力不足 2
(五)实际建成的低碳房标准不高 2
(六)长沙市房地产投资、投机性购房需求高 2
四、长沙发展低碳房地产的建议和对策分析 2
(一)制定建筑节能标准规范并认真贯彻落实 2
(二)加强宣传引导,提高广大消费者对节能住宅的接受程度 2
(三)加快建立一套完善的住宅能耗标识体系的运行机制 2
(四)制定相应的政策扶持体系,为低碳地产的推广创造条件 2
(五)在政策、宣传、税收、金融等方面鼓励精装房的兴起 2
(六)进一步抑制和降低房地产投资、投机性购房需求和建筑浪费 2
五、对长沙碳房地产发展势头的展望 2
参考文献 2
致 谢 2