来源:wenku163.com 资料编号:WK1635052 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1635052
摘 要:随着社会经济的发展,人们消费的注意力也发生了改变,开始重视对精神文化方面的追求,以文化经济一体化、文化产业化为主体的第五产业开始兴起,并逐渐发展成为区域重要的经济增长点,甚至发展为主导产业。文章以湖南长沙县杨开慧纪念馆发展为例,依照纪念馆景区土地利用现状,参考长沙县开慧乡土地利用总体规划,结合地理位置、交通状况、产业结构以及农用地结构等,分析杨开慧纪念馆对长沙县开慧乡土地利用规划产生的作用及影响,并预测杨开慧纪念馆景区未来土地利用的趋势。
Study on Development about KaiHui Memorial Hall in the Future
Abstract:With the social and economic development, human consumption has also changed focus and began to attach importance to the pursuit of spiritual and cultural aspects, the cultural economy, cultural industries into the main body of the fifth industry began to rise, and gradually developed into an important regional economic growth, and even the development of leading industries. With the development of Hunan Yang Kaihui Memorial Hall as an example,accordance with the Memorial area of land use, reference Kaihui Rural land use planning,combined with geographic location, transportation, industrial structure and the structure of agricultural land,analyze the effects and influence of Yang Kaihui Memorial Hall to Kaihui Township land use planning,and predicting the future trends of Kaihui Memorial Hall land use.
Key words:Land Use;Land Resource;Land Use Change;Scenic and Recreation Facilities Area;Yang Kaihui Memorial Hall